BreakThru! v1.0b Copyright 1993 Herby Derby Productions BreakThru! is a fairly simple game. It's based on the familiar game of breakout, but with a twist - it's in 3D. Instead of hitting a ball into a two- dimensional array of blocks, now you use your paddle to hit a bouncing ball down into a pit of blocks. -----------------Playing the Game------------------ To move your paddle, simply move the mouse around on the playing screen. Clicking either mouse button pauses/unpauses the game. Useful Tip #1 - Click on the screen when you first load the game to start immediately. -------------------Options Menu-------------------- Ball English - If selected, this causes the ball to bounce off your paddle at various angles, dependant upon where the ball hits: * If it hits in the middle section, the "sweet spot" of your paddle, the ball bounces at the same angle. * If it hits on the "near" side of your paddle (relative to its motion) the angle of reflection is less than the incident angle. * If it hits on the "far" side of your paddle the angle of reflection is greater than the incident angle - the ball "shoots off" in the new direction. The best way to see how ball english works is just to try both ways - see which way you prefer better. Computer Control - Choosing this option locks manual control (i.e. you) and lets the computer take over. He's quite good. Sometimes when the computer is "playing" it gets the ball bouncing wildly and rapidly up and down the pit. If this happens and it bothers you, turn off "Ball English" and try again. Skill Level This menu item opens up the Skill Level dialog box, which lets you change: * Number of balls - To change the number of balls, simply select the current figure using the mouse and type in a new value (from 1 to 20). The changes will be reflected when you start a new game. * Ball speed - Use the slider control to choose between lethargy and hyperactivity. On fast computers, the default setting is fine (in my opinion, at least), but those of you with those old, obselete 386-40's and the like may want to speed up the ball a tad to compensate for slow video performance and sloppy programming techniques. * Paddle size - If you REALLY want to add some spice to your life, I've included the ability to change the size of your paddle to either miniscule or gargantuan proportions. A handy visual indicator is situated in the southeastern portion of the movable window. * Defaults - Returns all options to their default settings.