The Lmp Fiddler Version 1.0 By Ryan Robinson ( Description: Lets you modify The lmp headers to change -Game Version -Skill -Episode -Map Number -Mode (Deathmatch, Altdeath, Co-op) -Respawn -Fast -Nomonsters -Viewpoint -Which players are present The only problem is, changing most of this stuff will just make you look like an idiot, getting your but kicked or shooting at nothing. I just use it to convert versions and change viewpoints. A note about converting versions: This utility can convert between 1.4 - 1.9 just fine, and converting 1.1 to 1.2 (why would you want to do that anyway?) is not necessary because they are already compatible! With this you can convert between pre and post 1.4, and all the skill levels and such will be correct, but the guy just runs around in circles! So please, don't try it. . . for that you need something like lmputil. Special thanks to: Matthew S. Fell for the Unofficial Doom Specs Where to get this file: Most likely right next to this one! or at