А А олн ол мллн мллн млллл JUNGLE ][ Pwad: "Have a banana!" млллл мллллп (DOOM ][) мллллп ппп ппп ========================================================================== Please type J2DOOM.EXE to patch the new sprite graphics. ========================================================================== Title : Jungle ][ Filename : J2DOOM.ZIP Authors : /Г n t and his Jungle ][ Pwad Production Crew. Email Address : philpi@apu.edu or phillant@jungleii.com IRC Handle : Ant or AntDude in #doom channel. Misc. Author Info : Author of "Da Kills" DOOM ][ Pwad (A Partial Conversion) DAKILLS.ZIP -- the creation/pwad. DKSSHOTS.ZIP -- the screenshots. * Both files are available on ftp.cdrom.com or any good DOOM sites. Description : This DOOM II map is a deathmatch wad with a jungle island theme. The setting and ideas are based on my favorite chat BBS, Jungle II, where it carries Game Connection. This map contains new graphics, new sprites, new weapons, sound effects, and a new junglish soundtrack. This map should be used with deathmatch 2.0 (-altdeath) and respawning monsters (-respawn). Be sure -nomonsters parameter is removed, so that the map has man-eating sharks. And you thought Gilligan's Island was fun to watch! Wait until you laugh hard with this awesome creation. :) Map features: * A big island surrounded by a shark-infested ocean. Also, a tiny island near by. * Wooden and stone buildings. * Munden's Bar. * Overhead speakers that the players can use. * Banana and palm trees with goodies. * A wooden dock. * Game Connection center with interactive computers. * Eidble/Usable food: Coconuts, bananas, and cakes. * The Club with sexy hula dancers. * Dark dungeon. * Ladders. * Players as hairy apes. * Realistic bathrooms! You can hide too! * Unbreakable windows that can be opened and closed! * Open windows with curtains. * Shootable ceiling fans. * A small lifeguard tower. * "Well of Youth." Hint: Fountain of Youth. * Sewer storage building. * A grafitti wall that players can read. Additional Credits to : id Software for making the awesome game. Barrasso and Zep -- Authors of MALL.ZIP. Inspiration, and I had to steal some graphics. Authors of BOOTHILL.ZIP -- Inspired me to make a deathmatch pwad. Wendigo -- His cool pwads, DESTROYR.ZIP and MARINA.ZIP. Pit -- Ideas, graphics, sprites, ANSI (endoom), J2DOOM.EXE, and tester. The Dragon -- Sounds, ideas, and tester. Grungy -- Midi soundtrack and tester. (GMIDI was used). Tarzan -- Sound clips, tester, and SysOp of Jungle II BBS. Python -- Sounds. Cricket -- Proofreader of these texts. :P Watcher -- SysOp of Jungle II BBS. 2224 on Baud -- His funny coconut macros. Town Azusa Pacific University -- My school and internet account. Rest of the DOOM Pwad Authors, excluding the ones who created horrrible pwads. Notes : Ant did the map, J2DOOM.TXT, J2DOOM.BAT, and the FILE_ID.DIZ. He is the producer and director of this special production. Also, the file operator on Jungle II BBS to host the DOOM/Heretic/id Software's file libraries. The BBS is not affliated with id Software. Also, the lastest entertainment files from internet for other file libraries (ie. playable game demos/sharewares). : The BFG still has the same graphic. Bananas do not look good from a BFG :). Let's say the banana juice was squeezed and mixed to make that green stuff. Hehehe. [vomits] : This map was designed on a 486DX2/66 with 16 MB RAM. I have done my best to optimize this map for speed. With DSHRINK, I only gained very tiny improvement in speed. Tips : Explore all places. Use your map (TAB) to look for hidden spots. : Watch the two recorded 4-players demos. : In the Game Connection room, use the computers to control things with your space bar key/open doors key. Lights will turn off/on and doors will open/close. Walking on the computers will not work (if you remember that from DA KILLS). : Use the sharks to trap players in the ocean. : Use the dark dungeon as your bunkers to snipe players with regular shotguns. The doors close to protect you for 30 seconds. : Hide behind curtains and snipe players. : Hide in the bathrooms. : Hit your space bar/open door key behind those unbreakable windows to open and close. Inside Munden's Bar, not outside. These windows can be useful. : Make sounds by hitting walls and jumping off high places. Make the zombies flush the toliets to distract players. : To exit the map after agreeing with all the players, one player must be near the stone wall with the exit signs. The other player must hit the switch where the green radioactive acid is. It is inside a wall. This exiting is called a "cooperative exit." : To improve the speed of the game and the pwad: 1. Defragment your HDD(s). 2. Get more memory. 3. Use a disk cache if you have the memory. 4. Check your modem settings. 5. Upgrade your computer system. SirDOOM Quick-Setup : Use these settings: DOOM 2. : Ultra-Violent (skill level). : Deathmatch 2. : -respawn -file j2doom.wad (these belong to ARGS). ========================================================================== * Play Information * MAP # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes. Only to look around. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No way! Play Ant's DAKILLS.ZIP for that. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! (-altdeath -respawn) Do NOT use -nomonsters! Difficulty Settings : No. ULTRA-VIOLENT all the way! New Sounds : Yes. New Graphics : Yes, including new sprites. New Music : Yes. Demos Replaced : Yes. 2 v1.9 4-players deathmatches. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editors Used : DEU v5.21 and hacked DEU ][ for DOS BSP 1.2x DHSRINK NWT 1.3 Midi2mus DMMUSIC Neopaint v3.0/3.1 Build Time : 4 short weeks. (School is around the corner!) Known Bugs : Hall of Mirrors (HOMs) when far away in the ocean. My map is too big. Sorry :). I hope there are no bugs. I am a bug, but please do not raid or step on me. ========================================================================== * Quotes During Deathmatches and Production * /Г n t : "This is so cool!" : "How about naked Tarzans?" Pit : "I need to fix that." "Those coconuts are scary!" Tarzan : "Penis." : "Coolness." The Dragon : "Give me the file!" : "Sit down." Grungy : "I need a WRK to MIDI converter." -- Not in deathmatch play. "Does the music loop?" -- Same as above. Kid : "Squeezable bananas!" -- Not in deathmatch play. ========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ========================================================================== * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom/ ... Any DOOM mirror sites. BBS's : Jungle II BBS: (818) 914-9010. Must have an account there. ==========================================================================