* T * A * N * K * FREEWARE V1.1 BY Kevin Hayes Copyright: June 25 1995 This program was made so that I may learn some of the basics in the computer's Graphics card. This is my first Graphical computer games, and I must say that I am proud of it. I hope that anyone playing this may find it enjoyable despite the low quality graphics display and animation algorithm. This game is freeware. It does not cost you anything to own it or distribute it. Please feel free to share this game with all your friends, but you must include only the original files with the game. If you desire more information about this game, or would like to send any comments or donations, please feel free to do so. I may be reached at the following address: 8932 LaGrange Road Smithfield, KY 40068 or email - hayesk@mik.uky.edu Thank you for playing, Kevin Hayes GAME KEYS: ESC - hit this to quit the game F1 - toggles invisiblity game OFF\ON F2 - toggles the type of wall NORMAL\BOUNCING\WARP F3 - toggles teleport mode ON\OFF Player 1 colors: GREEN - systems are O.K. YELLOW - use caution RED - danger!!! w - accelerate s - decelerate a - rotate counter-clockwise d - rotate clockwise m - fire a missle n - teleport (if in use) Player 2 colors: CYAN - systems are O.K. WHITE - use caution MAGENTA - danger!! 8 - accelerate 5 - decelerate 4 - rotate couter-clockwise 6 - rotate clockwise / - fire a missle . - teleport (if in use) WARNING: Caps Lock must be off, and Num Lock must be on throughout the entire game. If a key does not work, make sure these two key are set properly. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: You must have a VGA graphics card and a 386 processor is recommended. There is no sound in this game. Sorry. If you don't like the speed at which the game runs you can speed it up by "faster" on the command-line, or slow it down by typing "slower" on the command-line. You can use both of this commands multiple times. For example you could type: tank faster faster faster this would start the game and the tanks may (or may not) run faster. GAME PLAY: The object of the game is to shoot the other player three times. When you hit your opponent, the color of his/her tank will change. When the game is over, the screen pauses. Hit a key, and the outcome of the game is displayed. One final note: You can only move your tank when you are at a 90 degree or 45 degree angle. Enjoy!!!!!!