CONFLICT OF 2272 Ver. 1.1 S&E LABS 1995 CONTENTS 1. OTHER EPISODES AVAILABLE 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3. INSTRUCTIONS 4. SOUND CARD SETUP 5. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE 6. LICENSE & DISTRIBUTION 7. CREDITS ********* EPISODES 2 & 3 ********* 2. RISE OF THE EMPIRE After the fall of the klingons in 2272. Some warriors and engineers escaped to the borders of romulan space. The romulan council offered safe haven to the klingons for the plans of a new weapon. An alliance was formed and they prepared for an invasion. You are in command of the federation flag ship and have been ordered to gather intelligence and patrol the neutral zone. - New enemy ships weapons and battles - New star maps to explore with killer graphics - Realistic digitized sound effects - Over 3mb of all new graphics - Challenging enemy commanders 3. THE ENCOUNTER The federation has lost contact with two star ships in sector A4-29. The sector is uncharted and unexplored. Your ship and crew has been rerouted from your current mission to investigate immediately. Your orders are explicit, find the missing star ship at all cost. Star base K10-9d borders the sector. You are to dock and receive any updated intel and proceed into the sector. - New alien encounters - Over 3mb of all new graphics - New digitized sound effects - New battle scenes - All new enemy strategies Both episodes are available for only $9.95 Send check/money order/mc or visa to: S & E Labs P.O. Box 1634 Terre Haute IN 47808 Please add $4.00 for shipping and handling USA ORDERS! $8.00 for foreign orders. Specify disk size (5.25/3.5) with all orders. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!! ******** SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ********* 386 or Higher 3.5 mb Free Hard Drive Space 1mb Ram VGA Mouse (Microsoft, Mouse Systems, or Logitech Compatible Driver) Sound Blaster (Not necessary but Highly Recommended) { NOTE : EPISODES 2 & 3 REQUIRE 2MB OF RAM } ************ INSTRUCTIONS ************* THE MISSION !!! The year is 2272 the klingon empire has declared all out war on the federation. You are in command of the flag ship U.S.S Enterprise. You have been ordered to sector A18-27 along the klingons neutral zone. Your mission is to search out and destroy all klingon war ships, outpost, and supply depots. The enterprise and your crew are expendable... **** MAIN MENU **** Move mouse pointer to desired button and press left mouse button once. Esc key used to close a screen and return to pervious window. NEW - Starts a new game, once selected a PLAY LEVEL menu appears. Level TRAINING is the easiest, a good place to start until you have mastered command of your ship. Level VETERAN and TREKKER get much more difficult. RETURN - Returns you to a game in progress. Does nothing if no game exists. LOAD - Loads a perviously saved game. SAVE - Saves a game for future play. HELP - Quick help screen, info on basic operations. QUIT - Exit program to dos. **** COMMAND CONSOLE ***** This is the core menu for ships control. ESC Key - Returns to Main Menu + Key - Slows down Command Consoles animations - Key - Speeds up Command Consoles animations NOTE : See PROGRAM PERFORMANCE for detailed explanation on the +,- Keys. SCREEN - button enlarges the view screen, to return to the command console press any key. NAVIGATION - This is the section that moves the star ship. You are in a sector. A sector is a grid broken down into individual quadrants. The sector you are in has the dimensions 24 by 24, this means there are 576 different quadrants you can explore (24 * 24 = 576). SECTOR - This menu allows you to move the star ship from quadrant to quadrant. Once sector is selected and the computer is activated you will see a 24 by 24 grid. A red indicator light will show your current location. To move to a new quadrant move the mouse pointer to the desired position and click. The read out screen will now indicate the coordinates you will move to. You can repeat this process until you have selected the quadrant you want. With your destination set, you now set Warp Factor. The read out screen will now say "Press any key to engage". Press a key and you are warping to a new location. Becareful not to cruise to far from home while in training ! QUAD - The QUAD menu allows you to move your ship inside an individual quadrant. When the game starts you are in quadrant 4,24. This is the home quadrant for Star Base K97. To dock with the base you have to move to it. You will see a button label "Base", press the button. The ship will now engage impulse engines, and move towards the Star Base. This process will operate the same for any objects in space. Example: To move into orbit of a planet, move into a Nebula, etc..., press the correctly label button. Becareful with what you fly into ... SENSORS - This section will allow you to look around at the space you occupy. LONG - Long range sensors examine the 9 closest quadrants to your current ships position. These sensors are not as detail as the short range. SHORT - Short range sensors examine all objects within the current quadrant you are in. A detailed computer report is generated describing the attributes of the selected object. COMMUNICATIONS - This section is used to communicate with starfleet, and anything else you may encounter on your mission! COM - Button actives communications station. The starfleet button signals headquarters for your mission statistics. The Hail button sends a general hail, or receives a hail. ENGINEERING - This section is used to control the power flow of your star ship. SYSTEM - The System menu reports power levels of the ship, and allows you to transfer energy from system to system. Example: To move 1000 units of energy from Core to Shields, press core button press shield button, then type 1000 and press enter. The read out screen will reflect the transfer. The reset button is used to reset a transfer if you have made a mistake. WEAPONS - This section does all functions associated will battle! SHIELDS - This menu gives control over deflector shields. ALWAYS have shields raised when going into BATTLE!!! DAMAGE - Damage control menu reports operating condition of ships systems. When systems are at 99 they are at full operation. STATUS - Reports power level of phasers, and number of photons you have on board. BATTLE - This button engages battle mode. If a war ship is in the quadrant you can engage them. Operation is performed as follows : + Key - Slows down arcade sections speed - Key - Speeds up arcade sections speed NOTE : See PROGRAM PERFORMANCE for detailed explanation on the +,- Keys. CTRL KEY - Fires Phasers ALT KEY - Fires Photon CURSORS - Move Star Ship ESC - Returns to command console If there are no war ships in the quadrant this button will not operate!!! **** GENERAL HINTS **** The sector you are in has 576 quadrants and is filled with not only klingons, but planets, nebulas, black holes, and etc... Take short jumps and use the sensors to examine everything!!! Who knows what what you will find!!!!! Save your games often! Your enemy is very intelligent and is constantly moving and patrolling. There sole purpose is to gang up and overwhelm you. Never stay in a quadrant to long. **** SOUND CARD SETUP ****** If the program does not operate with your sound card. A setup utility has been provided to reconfigure the game. The software ships with Default Values for Sound Blaster of : PORT = 220 IRQ = 5 DMA = 1 If your system differs run SETSOUND.EXE from the game directory, and change the setting to match your configuration. If the card still does not work properly, copy "CT-VOICE.DRV" from your sound card driver directory (c:\sb\drv) or (c:\sbpro\drv) to the games subdirectory. ******* PROGRAM PERFORMANCE ********** If the software is operating to fast in the arcade section and or Command Consoles animations... + key will slow down game - key will speed up game Try these in the Command Console section of the game, and the arcade "BATTLE" section. Two delay factors will be set (one for each section). When you exit the program they will be saved to disk, so when you play the game at a later time these setting will be restored and the program will operate smoothly. ****** DISTRIBUTION & LICENSE ******** The files on this disk may not be modified or adapted in any way. All the files provided on the disk must be distributed together. Individual files or groups of files may not be sold separately. Additional files may be added to disks containing this software, however this software may not be integrated into or included as part of any other software. Your right to distribute does not include the right to sublicense or otherwise cause or permit others to copy or distribute, "Conflict of 2272" , without permission in writing or distribute it as part of any hardware or software packages. This software may not be represented as anything other than shareware and the shareware concept must be explained in any ad or catalog that quotes a price and on any packaging used to display the disk. The explanation of the shareware concept must make it clear that with shareware an additional registration fee is required if users continue to use the software. You must stop selling/distributing copies of this disk upon notice from S&E. **** CD-ROM Distribution ***** You must obtain written permission from S&E to distribute "Conflict of 2272" on CD-ROM. **** Rack Vendors and Retail Environment Sales ***** You must obtain written permission from S&E to distribute "Conflict of 2272". **** License Agreement ****** This Limited Use Software License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you, the end-user and S&E Labs. By continuing the installation of this game program, by loading or running the game, or by placing or copying the game program onto your computer hard drive, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. 1. Grant of License. S&E Labs grants to you the right to use the S&E Labs software game program (the "Software", which is the shareware version or episode one of the game program. For purposes of this section, "use" means loading the Software into RAM, as well as installation on a hard disk or other storage device. You may not: modify, translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer the software. 2. Copyright. The software is owned by S&E Labs and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You must treat the Software like any other copyrighted material, except that you make copies of the Software to give to other persons. 3. Limited Warranty. S&E Labs DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. NEITHER S&E Labs NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE EVEN IF S&E Labs HAS BEEN ADVISED OF POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. IN NO EVENT SHALL S&E Labs LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana and shall insure to the benefit of S&E Labs and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in Terre Haute, Indiana. The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts. "Conflict of 2272" is copyrighted 1995 by S&E Labs. All Rights Reserved. ****** CREDITS ****** DESIGN & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - JOHNNY BROWN (MOST) GRAPHICS & SOUND - NANCY MODEL CONSTRUCTION - LINCOLN LEITHLITER SPECIAL THANKS TO RICHIE MINOR FOR THE USE OF THE KILLER SCANNER!!! AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST ALL THE PEOPLE THAT HELPED BETA TEST!!! {THE END OF FILE}