DESCRIPTION: Level Name: Quarters (first scenario of many to come, hopefully) Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 completely new map, Forest theater This scenerio replaces anything you want, and it should work. Use mixman program or suffle to put map and ini files into general.mix file. You can find programs mentioned above from here: or This level is a symmetrical level, with no advantage given to any player based on where he starts. AUTHOR'S NOTES It's obvious you should (if there are 4 players) all go into the corners. It is made so that no one has an advantage, and it is designed so that there's so much Tiberium, you can have a massiv fight. The island in the middle would be a significant advantage to the person who took it over, and perhaps spider based there (it's possible). The map was made from CCMAP, available from the two sites mentioned above. It's a thoroughly decent editor, and congratulation RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON (at the start, there's only lots of blossom trees) Starting Money: As much you want Crates: Whatever you want Units: As many as you want You can email me with comments, or post comments to webboard at Have fun blasting the hell out of each other! Adrian Hon