PLEASE PRINT OUT THIS FILE SO THAT YOU CAN REFER TO IT OFTEN ___________________________________________________________ ******************** HERE'S OUR NEW VIDEO REVIEW HOTLINE & CONTEST HOTLINE CALL NOW 1-900-990-5343 EXT. 127 (Under 18 get parents permission, cost is $2./min, avg call lasts 3 min, total avg. cost is $6.00, touch tone phone only - Strauss Communications, 1-408-625-1910) DON'T FORGET TO LISTEN FOR THE 'FAVE RAVE' MOVIE OF THE MONTH! NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! "LET'S RE-INVENT THE GOVERNMENT" President Bill Clinton. CALL NOW 1-900-420-3710 EXT. 101 (Under 18 get parents permission, cost is $2./min, avg call lasts 3 min, total avg. cost is $6.00, touch tone phone only - Strauss Communications, 1-408-625-1910) LEARN ABOUT HOW WE THE PEOPLE ARE TAKING BACK OUR GOVERNMENT. We in the computer industry are working with the President to discover more ways to give the power back to the people and away from the special interests, especially the banks, the oil companies, the car manufacturers. The drug industry, the gun lobbies, etc. President Clinton in the summer of 1993 called for all Americans to join him in "Re-inventing the Government". He knows and it is obvious to all that no one man can take on such a huge task. It's up to the American people themselves to Re-Invent any government that would want to survive them and that they would leave to their children. We believe that the only way to Re-Invent the Government of the United States of America is to build on the 200 years of the Experiment in Democracy that was begun by our founding fathers. They gave us the right to a full Democracy by beginning the process with a representative form of government. But in the day and age of jets and super computers information need only take millionths of a second to get to every single man, woman and child in this country and the responses of the American people can be counted in the same amount of time. Therefore, a purely representative form of democracy is no longer viable and is in fact obsolete. This is what President Clinton must have meant when he called for the Re-Invention of the Government. Call this Political Grass Roots Hotline, to find out what our next step is in the Re-invention process. The scoundrels in Washington won't tell you how we should begin the process of Re-Inventing the government and that it's now possible for all of us to vote on the Issues of National importance and not leave it up to the Congress. We must take this country back. Most of us don't even realize that it was stolen from us by the Banks in 1913 when the banks helped the government impose an income tax on all American citizens, OVER THE PROTESTS OF THE VAST MAJORITY OF THEM. Read our other Electronic Magazine, 'Re-Inventing the Government, which you will find in the catalog of books from this organization a little further down the Main Menu and please call the 900# to learn and to show your support for America as a Democracy, new, modern, strong, independent and pristine once again, the model for all the world to see, once and for all time! Thank you very much, and God bless America! THE PUBLISHERS. WE CAN AFFORD TO CONTINUE TO BRING YOU INFORMATION WITHOUT ADVERTISERS IN THIS EXCITING NEW ELECTRONIC FORMAT BUT ONLY IF YOU WILL SUPPORT US WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS, VERY NOMINALLY PRICED TO PAY FOR POSTAGE AND DISKETTE DUPLICATION, AND YOUR USE OF OUR 900#S. Only with your support, can we all WIN. And we've arranged it all so that you can save more money through our services than it costs you to participate. So, please call the 900#s scattered around in this magazine. And do participate in the Subscription Contest we are now running for Charter Subscribers. Please call these 900#s often and the funds we make will go into better and better products for you. And if you send in the forms on the menu for our Long Distance Service you will save at least $10/mo over AT&T and even over the Long Distance Plan you have now, because this service uses rates purchased at Wholesale from MCI, then these LOWEST OF ALL RATES ARE PASSED ON TO YOU. There is no way you could get them by yourself. We have invented a truly interesting way for this publishing company to raise funds and for you the subscriber to have fun and a chance to make money at the same time. We have developed a special 900# that you can call and you MAY WIN $10, $50 or up to $2,000 just by playing a simple game with us. The game is at the end of this file. Just scroll down and see if you can figure out the clue to the puzzle. If you can, you then call our special fund-raising 900# and you listen to the voice prompts for your identification number and your puzzle solution by using the keypad of your phone. If you're right, your entry is placed in the bin for a drawing every month for the following prizes. 1 GRAND PRIZE IS $2,000 CASH. 10 1ST PRIZES OF $50 CASH. 20 2ND PRIZES OF $10 CASH. So, there are 31 chances to win. The odds of winning are determined by the number of subscribers, the number of callers etc. And there will be a new game each month. So, you have a new chance to win each month. It's sort of like the Lottery, except that your odds of winning the Lottery are about a billion to one and your odds of winning this game are about 1,000 to one. Much higher odds. But even if you never win, we hope that you will enjoy becoming a subscriber and therefore a supporter of electronic publishing. If everyone who reads this subscribes to this magazine or any other you might enjoy, you are helping to save the environment because this kind of publishing discourages the removal of trees from the forest to make paper, while the other forms of reading that you do, like your daily newspaper, books, magazines, newsletters, company memo's and the like are all using up trees at an alarming rate. Just the Sunday New York Times uses up enough forest to cover the entire state of Nevada. There isn't a single tree in that state and soon the entire planet could become a total desert with very little support for life as varied and abundant as we know it today. And it's not just the beauty of the tree we're trying to preserve, it's the life-giving oxygen that trees create that make them so wonderful and necessary for the Human Race to survive. Trees not only create oxygen for us to breathe, but they also ABSORB, poisonous Carbon Dioxide which we Humans create in great abundance by our cars and trucks and factories. So, trees are quite possibly the most important life form on this planet right now as far as Humanity is concerned and yet, more than 50 acres of trees and forest land goes to the ax or the flame every second. THAT'S 50 ACRES LOST PER SECOND. In the time it takes you to read this article, more than 1,000 acres will be removed from the Earth. And this deforestation is irreversible because trees need the forest to support their growth. They need water to grow and water comes from rain, the rain is encouraged to fall only where there are trees. It's a beautiful symbiotic relationship between trees and sky that we Humans have no appreciation of and damn little right to destroy. If we lose this battle, we could be dooming our own species, just as the Dinosaurs doomed themselves by eating everything in sight. We're not much smarter, it seems. But you can help, by helping us. Become a subscriber. Use our 900# Contest frequently so that we can afford to continue our quest. It is our goal to have 90% of Humanity getting their information from electronic means such as this before all the forests of the planet are destroyed. We don't have much time! But we have just enough time, if you will do your part. On top of the information you receive in this Electronic Magazine, which you can't find anywhere else as easily, you also have the knowledge that someday you might win enough to more than offset any costs of supporting us. And don't forget, we have the Long Distance Savings Plan included here too, so you can be GUARANTEED TO SAVE more than the cost of supporting us, if you use our Long Distance Savings Plan, so please send in the form today! So, please send in the subscription order form. It's the only way you can play our 900# game and be eligible to win the prizes. The subscription rate is far less than any paper-based magazine of this kind, so we save you money, and you get the information you need and enjoy in a format you can use, and we help save the planet all at the same time. Now what could be more fair than that? AND ONCE YOU ARE A SUBSCRIBER, you're eligible to play our 900# game as often as you like. Give it a call every month, not only to support us, but so that you increase your chances of winning. It's better than playing the Lottery by far because our subscriber base is very small in 1993 and 1994, so that's when your chances of winning will be at the highest. If you don't like gaming, then please support us by using our LONG DISTANCE SERVICE, AND/OR ordering one of our other electronic magazines. This long distance plan is guaranteed to save you at least 10% over any OTHER SAVINGS PLAN. This means if you have no Discount Long Distance Service, it will save you about 25% or more from your Long Distance Phone Bill. Thank you very much, and God bless! THE PUBLISHERS.