═══ 1. Sorry ═══ This is Sorry, a board game by Anil Rhemtulla o How to play Sorry - Explanation of the rules of Sorry o Menus and Commands - Main Menu - Option Menu - Computer Players - Help Menu o Copyright Information ═══ 2. How to Play the Game ═══ The Playing Area The playing area consists of a players home base, their safety area and the goal square along with the main playing path. A players home base consists of four white squares. it is the area where the players pieces are placed at the start of the game. The players playing area is the track of grey squares going around the board. The start of the track is one of the two square outlined in the players colors to the right of their home base. The track ends on the square below the players safety area. The safety area consists of the four squares at the end of the players playing path. These squares are the same color as the players pieces. The goal square is the multicolored square in the centre of the board. Movement The purple player (you) roll the dice first (double click left mouse button). On a roll of 6 the player can take any piece from their home base and place it (drag with the right mouse button) onto the bottom square outlined in the players color to the right of their home base. On a roll of 1 they can place a piece from their home base onto the top outlined square of their color. If a piece is already on the board the player may move ahead on the track the number of squares from their die roll. If player does NOT need an exact roll to get their piece to the goal. Sorry If you land on another piece during your turn, that piece is sent back to it's home. Goal The player to have all their pieces into the goal wins. ═══ 2.1. Main Menu ═══ Main Menu information o New o Exit o About ═══ 2.1.1. New Menu Option ═══ Selecting this option starts a new game. ═══ 2.1.2. Exit Menu Option ═══ Selecting this option exits Sorry. ═══ 2.1.3. About Menu Option ═══ Select this option to find out the version, programmer, and the copyright information of Sorry. ═══ 2.2. Options Menu ═══ Options Menu information o Undo o Pausing o Sound o Animation o Size ═══ 2.2.1. Undo Menu Option ═══ Select this option to undo your last move. Note: You can NOT undo your last move if you were not able to move on that turn. ═══ 2.2.2. Pausing Menu Option ═══ Select this option to pause the game between every players turn. ═══ 2.2.3. Sound Menu Option ═══ Select this option to toggle the sound. ═══ 2.2.4. Animation Menu Option ═══ Selecting from these options will adjust the speed of the animation during the computers turns. ═══ 2.2.5. Size Menu Option ═══ Selecting from these options will change the size of game. ═══ 2.3. Computer Players Menu ═══ The players checked in this menu will be your opponents. ═══ 2.4. Help Menu ═══ Help Menu information o Extended Help o Using help o Keys Help o Help Index ═══ 2.4.1. Extended help Menu Option ═══ Select this menu option for general help on using Sorry ═══ 2.4.2. Using help Menu Option ═══ Select this menu option for assistance in using this help box. ═══ 2.4.3. Keys Help Menu Option ═══ Select this menu item for help on the keys that can be used while playing Sorry. Help Keys ═══ 2.4.4. Help Index Menu Option ═══ Select this menu option for the help index of Sorry. ═══ 3. Keys Help ═══ Alt+n New Game Alt+e Exit Sorry Alt+s Toggle Sound Ctrl+u Undo ═══ 4. Copyright Information ═══ Sorry Version 1.00 Copyright (c) Anil Rhemtulla December, 1993 Edmonton, Alberta Canada aarhemtu@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca