═══ 1. General Help ═══ Enter the source and target drives as well as the target installation directory. Click on Install to begin the installation. You may click on Cancel during the installation procedure at any time to abort the install. You will be notified of the status of the installation at the bottom of the window. ═══ 2. Source Help ═══ Type the disk drive letter which the source files reside. You can click on the down arrow to see a list of valid drives. ═══ 3. Target Help ═══ Type the disk drive letter to install the files. You can click on the down arrow to see a list of valid drives. ═══ 4. Directory Help ═══ Type the directory name where you want the files to be installed. The default directory name is already pre-filled. If the directory exists, you will be informed and be asked to confirm to continue in case the existing files may overwritten.