═══ 1. Installation Information ═══ Installation: 1. Go to the directory where you decompressed the Hangman package. 2. Type Install 3. Follow the directions on the screen. 4. You are done! Alternate Installation Method: Installation: ════════ Extract the archive (you probably already did that!) into a directory (c:\games\hangman is used in this text). To run the game, change to that directory (c:\games\hangman) and type Hangman To install the game onto the Presentation Manager Desktop: ═══════════════════════════════════════════ After extracting the files into a directory (see above), go back to the Desktop and open the "OS/2 System" folder, then the "Drives" folder, then open the "C" folder, then the "Games" folder, then open the "Hangman" folder. Click the second mouse button over Hangman.exe and select "Create Shadow." Create a shadow on the desktop by selecting "Desktop." You may now start the game by double-clicking on the Hangman icon on the desktop. Put the icon in a sub-folder if you wish. Personally, I have the shadow in the "Games" folder. Assuming you have got this far without an "Too many Windows Open" message from OS/2, ;-) close all the folders. ═══ 2. How to Play ═══ Hangman Version 1.0 Select from the following: o Quick Intro o Starting/Login & Restarting o Solving Words o Opening Other Word Lists o 2-Player Challenge o Scoring o Other features ═══ 2.1. Quick Intro ═══ Quick Introduction: 1. Select one or two names from the Login screen depending on the number of players (2 max in version 1.0). 2. Press New Word to get a new word. 3. Select letters by pressing the letter buttons located directly underneath the new word. 4. When word is completed and you have won (or lost!), press New Word to play again. If you are playing a two-player game, switch players (you will see the player name change to indicate who should play the current word displayed). 5. Use File -> Open Words to open other word files. 6. Use Game -> 2-Player Challenge to challenge each other with your own words (2-Player game only.) 7. Use Game -> Restart, Game -> 1-Player, or Game -> 2-Player to restart game/select another player/change from a 1-Player game to a 2-Player game (or vice-versa). 8. Use File -> Load Internal Words to reload the internal words. 9. Use Game -> Reset Score to reset the current player's scores. ═══ 2.2. Starting/Login &Restarting ═══ Login Screen: 1. Enter your new name in the box and press Add, if necessary. 2. Using the mouse, select either one name (for a 1-Player game) or two names (for a 2-player game). 3. Press Start to start the game. Quick tip: Double-click on a single name (for a 1-player game) or select one name then double-click on the second (for a 2-player game) to start. ═══ 2.3. Solving Words ═══ Solving Words: 1. Start Game by pressing New Word to randomly pick a new word from the current word list. 2. Press a letter button (A-Z), depending on what letter you would like to guess is contained within the current word. 3. When either all the letters in the word are showing (you have WON!) or the Hangman picture is completely filled (you have LOST!), press New Word again. ═══ 2.4. Opening Other Word Lists ═══ Opening Other Word List: 1. Go to the Hangman File menu and select Open Words. 2. Select a .HNG file to open. 3. Wait until Hangman has loaded the words (you will see a progressing count as it loads in the words). 4. Press New Word to play your new words. 5. Use File -> Load Internal Words to reload the internal words, if you so desire. Note: You, the user, may also view what word list/word file is currently in use by using File -> Current Words. ═══ 2.5. 2-Player Challenge ═══ 2-Player Challenge: 1. Press Game -> 2-Player Challenge a. Select the number of words you want to enter and press Accept Word Count. b. Player 1: Enter the first word of your sequence and press Accept this word. c. Enter the remaining words in your sequence. d. Player 2: Enter your word list. e. The Word Entry window will close on entry of the last word of Player 2's sequence. 2. Playing the entered words: a. Proceed to play each other's word using New Word. Be sure to look at the current player to see which player should play the current word. b. At the end of the 2-Player Challenge, a final score will be presented. c. After this final score window is closed, normal play will resume. Note: Playing the 2-Player Challenge will not affect your individual user scores or ratios. ═══ 2.6. Scoring ═══ Scoring is by percentage solved correctly. This is calculated as: Number right ---------------------------- Total number of words played ═══ 2.7. Other Features ═══ Other Features: 1. Hangman will save the current words file you are using on exit. o Note: If you are using a large file of words, it may take a while for Hangman to load the words on start-up. Please be prepared to wait! 2. Use Game -> Reset Score to reset the current player's score. 3. Creating your own word lists: a. Open the OS/2 system editor. b. Type your words, one per line, pressing after each word, for example: AGRICULTURE ZEBRA QUITTER View the Sample word list in your Hangman folder for an example. c. Save your word list in the form name.hng where name is the name of your word list (8 letters max). ═══ 3. About Hangman ═══ Hangman Version 1.0 Synopsis: Hangman reproduces the classic game of Hangman for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. Related information: o Versions o Registration/Contact Information o Disclaimer/Copyright o How to Play ═══ 3.1. Versions ═══ Revision History:: ════════════ Pre-v1.0: Unimportant!!! 6/20/94 v1.0: Initial release into Cyberspace-land. Further Information: ════════════════ This program is my own original extrapolation of various other programs I have seen (No base idea is original). If you think I may have copied a program you or one of your acquaintances has previously written, you are, regrettably and sadly, mistaken. As of version 1.00, this game is classified as Shareware. Please help support the Shareware concept by registering this product. (Registration) Comments and feedback could, conceivably, encourage future games and programs. Plus, due to my unstable mental condition, I need the support. Contact information is located in Contact Information. Hopefully the net routing works! ═══ 3.2. Registration/Contact Information ═══ Hangman is not Freeware. If you enjoy Hangman, or just feel the guilt of using such a quality product without paying for it, please send a check for $5 (U.S.) to the following address: Everett Barnes P.O. Box 273496 Concord, CA 94527 U.S.A. This "donation" will, of course, entitle you to the following: 1. Future upgrades of Hangman at no cost. 2. E-mail notification of new releases/other products from Everett Barnes. 3. The curious freedom that arises from your body when the burden of unregistered software is lifted. I can also be contacted at my Internet id: everett.barnes@dataport.com ═══════════════════════════════ I also ask that the following please be directed to the above addresses: o All pain o All lawsuits o All hate mail o All bugs/errors o All suggestions o All death threats o All user word lists o All supportive mail o All Gregorian chants o All recommendations o All additional monies o All interesting dreams o All severed body parts o All formulas for destruction o All E-mail addresses of my users o All blood, tissue and urine samples o All watercooled Volkswagen performance tips ═══ 3.3. Disclaimer/Copyright ═══ Disclaimer: ═══════ IF YOU DOWNLOAD OR USE THIS PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AM I LIABLE FOR: 1. ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 2. THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU FOR LOSSES OR DAMAGES. I DO NOT WARRANT UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE OPERATION OF HANGMAN. I HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE SERVICE, DEFECT CORRECTION, OR ANY MAINTENANCE FOR HANGMAN. I HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO SUPPLY ANY UPDATES OR ENHANCEMENTS TO YOU, EVEN IF THEY ARE OR LATER BECOME AVAILABLE. HA-HA-HA!!! Copyright: ═══════ This software is copyright (C) 1994 Everett Barnes. All Rights Reserved except as specified below. Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, and distribute this software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these conditions: 1. The following files must included in any distribution. a. Install.EXE b. Hangman.hlp c. Hangman.inf d. Readme.txt e. SampWord.hng f. Hangfold.ico g. Hangman.exe 2. Users may collect fees for the distribution of Hangman, ( such as FTP sites that sell CD-ROM versions of their archives. Please include me! :-) ) but users are specifically prohibited from selling Hangman as a product or bundling Hangman with other products that are, in return, sold. 3. Permission is NOT granted for the use of the author's name and/or company name in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from it. ═══ 4. Other Information ═══ Hangman Version 1.0 Select from the following: o Other Products Available o Trademarks ═══ 4.1. Other Products ═══ Other Products available from Everett Barnes: (Please excuse the blatant self-promotion...) o Planets - Synopsis: o Planets combines the eye-pleasing graphics of a spinning planetary mass with the usefulness of a clock, day of the week/date information, and system information. - Features: 1. Over 50 planets to choose from. 2. Clock 3. System Information/Drive Space Free/Swap monitor 4. Alarm function 5. Configurable fonts, planets, and statistics. 6. Full on-line help! 7. Submission tutorial for submitting user-drawn planets. - Availability: o Available Now! o Freeware. Look for it on your favorite OS/2 BBS! ═══ 4.2. Trademarks ═══ IBM, OS/2 and Presentation Manager are trademarks of International Business Machines. Vispro/REXX is a trademark of Hockware. Any other products I may have mentioned are the trademarks/copyrights of their respective companies.