═══ 1. Product information ═══ This game was created by: W. Nijland Beethovenstraat 12 1962 EM Heemskerk Netherlands CompuServe: 100120,3464 ═══ 2. Description of the application keys ═══ You do not need a mouse to use this program. Use the numeric keys to select an item, or press ALT F4 to stop playing. Pressing F2 restarts the game. ═══ 3. Rules ═══ The object of this puzzle is to change the patterns of buttons until the board has only the 5 button disabled, and the other buttons enabled. To change the board pattern, simply press one of the enabled buttons. Choosing a button in the center of an edge (2, 4, 6, 8) causes all positions along the edge to change state. (Enabled buttons become disabled and disabled buttons are enabled.) Choosing a corner button (1, 3, 7, 9) causes the corner button and the three adjacent buttons to change state. Finally if you choose the center button (5), all but the corner buttons will change state. ═══ 4. Help For Help ═══ You have selected the Help For Help default action. The help function allows you to read some specific details about your current action. ═══ 5. Keys Help ═══ Available accellarator keys are: o F1 - Enter this help system. o F2 - Restart game. o F11 - Show Help index. o F12 - Show product information. ═══ 6. Restart Help ═══ If you click this item the current game is stopped. A new board is setup and you can try again.