
From the very first beginning in november 1988, when I wrote the first lines of code, Johan Muizelaar has been a very demanding and critical user, being only satisfied when it was perfect. And quite a few things I would never have started working on if he hadn't insisted that I would...

Secondly, I have to thank Brian Gaff, who is now handling the UK registrations for nearly a year, and besides doing lots of PR for my program there helped me with many things, especially with the DISCiPLE conversion program.

Finally, I'd like to thank

 Lars Köller for transforming the plain ASCII doc to LATEX,
 Thomas Franke for translating the entire Dutch v1.45 manual into German,
 Carlo Delhez for information on the '128 and several other things,
 Andre Mostert for some more '128 info and info on EMS memory,
 Walter Prins for many '128 programs and a nice African chat,
 Marco Holmer for making the program such a big hit at the HCC dagen,
 Henk de Groot, for finding and helping me work around a bug in A86 version 3.22,
 Arnt Gulbrandsen for pointing out to me that it is not necessary to clear a register when it contains 0,
 Ruud Zandbergen for his digital joystick interface,
 Ettore de Simone for finding a noisy bug, and for some very wise remarks about theological issues,
 Jan Garnier for providing the chips to reanimate my real Spectrum,
 Rudy Biesma and Tonnie Stap for providing info on the DISCiPLE disk formats,
 Hugh McLenaghan for his very valuable help on the DISCiPLE program,
 Burkhard Taige for various bug reports on it,
 Ian Cull for enhancing the DISCiPLE program and fixing two early bugs,
 Bert Lenarts for information on the AZERTY keyboard, and
 Andre Brus for writing the most enthousiastic letter I've ever read!