File formats

This sections describes the formats of the files used by the emulator.


00000-03fff Ordinary Spectrum rom
04000-05fff Interface I rom (8K)
06000-09fff First SamRam rom (contains BASIC)
0a000-0dfff Second SamRam rom (contains monitor,...)
0e000-11fff First Spectrum 128K rom (active at RESET)
12000-15fff Second Spectrum 128K rom (contains BASIC)

The ordinary rom has not been modified. The Interface I rom has undergone some modifications, to speed up the RS232 input/output routines. If you don't like this, or want to use another version of the Interface I, you could put that code at the right place in the ROMS.BIN file. The interface I should work properly, although the RS232 will be slower (always FORMAT the "b" or "t" channel at 19200 baud, by the way, if you replace the rom code, there's no point in waiting for nothing!) The microdrive routines have not been modified in any way. Here are the changes of the Interface I rom:

Address Old New Address Old New
0B9E ED ED 0D20 FB 00
0B9F 5B FC 0D2A 37 ED
0BA0 C3 F5 0D2B F3 FD
0BA1 5C C3 0D2C CE 18
0BA2 21 34 0D2D 00 10
0BA3 20 0C 0D4C FB 00

These changes are not likely to cause problems; there are several versions of the Interface I rom around, and program developers know this. It is also a bit pointless to check whether the Interface I rom hasn't been modified; who would put his snapshot software in there anyway, and that's what those people are afraid of.

The first and second SamRam rom have been modified more extensively. The biggest problem was that switching the upper 32K ram bank is very fast in reality, but on the PC two blocks of 32K bytes had to be REP MOVSWded. But since no programs know of the SamRam code anyway, this won't cause any more problems it wouldn't already cause either. The two Spectrum 128 roms have not been modified.


The .TAP files contain blocks of tape-saved data. All blocks start with two bytes specifying how many bytes will follow (not counting the two length bytes). Then raw tape data follows, including the flag and checksum bytes. The checksum is the bitwise XOR of all bytes including the flag byte. For example, when you execute the line SAVE "ROM" CODE 0,2 this will result:

$\displaystyle \underbrace{{13~00}}_{1}^{}\,$$\displaystyle \overbrace{{
\underbrace{00}_2 \underbrace{03}_3
\underbrace{\mbox{F1}}_6}}^{{\mbox{Spectrum-generated data}}}_{}\,$$\displaystyle \underbrace{{04~00}}_{7}^{}\,$$\displaystyle \overbrace{{
\underbrace{\mbox{FF}}_8 \underbrace{\mbox{F3~AF}}_9

with the following meaning:

The emulator will always start reading bytes at the beginning of a block. If less bytes are loaded than are available, the other bytes are skipped, and the last byte loaded is used as checksum. If more bytes are asked for than exist in the block, the loading routine will terminate with the usual tape-loading-error flags set, leaving the error handling to the calling Z80 program.

Note that it is possible to join .TAP files by simply stringing them together, for example:


For completeness, I'll include the structure of a tape header. A header always consists of 17 bytes:

Byte Length Description
0 1 Type (0,1,2 or 3)
1 10 Filename (padded with blanks)
11 2 Length of data block
13 2 Parameter 1
15 2 Parameter 2

The type is 0,1,2 or 3 for a Program, Number array, Character array or Code file. A screen$ file is regarded as a Code file with start address 16384 and length 6912 decimal. If the file is a Program file, parameter 1 holds the autostart line number (or a number > =32768 if no LINE parameter was given) and parameter 2 holds the start of the variable area relative to the start of the program. If it's a Code file, parameter 1 holds the start of the code block when saved, and parameter 2 holds 32768. For data files finally, the byte at position 14 decimal holds the variable name.


The emulator uses a cartridge file format identical to the `Microdrive File' format of Carlo Delhez' Spectrum emulator Spectator for the QL. The following information is adapted from Carlo's documentation. It can also be found in the `Spectrum Microdrive Book', by Ian Logan (co-writer of the excellent `Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly').

A cartridge file contains 254 `sectors' of 543 bytes each, and a final byte flag which is non-zero is the cartridge is write protected, so the total length is 137923 bytes. On the cartridge tape, after a GAP of some time the Interface I writes 10 zeros and 2 FF bytes (the preamble), and then a fifteen byte header-block-with-checksum. After another GAP, it writes a preamble again, with a 15-byte record- descriptor-with-checksum (which has a structure very much like the header block), immediately followed by the data block of 512 bytes, and a final checksum of those 512 bytes. The preamble is used by the Interface I hardware to synchronise, and is not explicitly used by the software. The preamble is not saved to the microdrive file:

offset length name contents
0 1 HDFLAG Value 1, to indicate header block
1 1 HDNUMB sector number (values 254 down to 1)
2 2   not used
4 10 HDNAME microdrive cartridge name (blank padded)
14 1 HDCHK header checksum (of first 14 bytes)
15 1 RECFLG - bit 0: always 0 to indicate record block
      - bit 1: set for the EOF block
      - bit 2: reset for a PRINT file
      - bits 3-7: not used (value 0)
16 1 RECNUM data block sequence number (value starts at 0)
17 2 RECLEN data block length (< =512, LSB first)
19 10 RECNAM filename (blank padded)
29 1 DESCHK record descriptor checksum (of previous 14 bytes)
30 512   data block
542 1 DCHK data block checksum (of all 512 bytes of data
      block, even when not all bytes are used)

repeated 254 times

(Actually, this information is `transparent' to the emulator. All it does is store 2 times 254 blocks in the .MDR file as it is OUTed, alternatingly of length 15 and 528 bytes. The emulator does check checksums, see below; the other fields are dealt with by the emulated Interface I software.)

A used record block is either an EOF block (bit 1 of RECFLG is 1) or contains 512 bytes of data (RECLEN=512, i.e. bit 1 of MSB is 1). An empty record block has a zero in bit 1 of RECFLG and also RECLEN=0. An unusable block (as determined by the FORMAT command) is an EOF block with RECLEN=0.

The three checksums are calculated by adding all the bytes together modulo 255; this will never produce a checksum of 255. Possibly, this is the value that is read by the Interface I if there's no or bad data on the tape.

In normal operation, all first-fifteen-byte blocks of each header or record block will have the right checksum. If the checksum is not right, the block will be treated as a GAP. For instance, if you type OUT 239,0 on a normal Spectrum with interface I, the microdrive motor starts running and the cartridge will be erased completely in 7 seconds. CAT 1 will respond with `microdrive not ready'. Try it on the emulator...


.SCR files are memory dumps of the first 6912 bytes of the Spectrum memory. A coordinate (x,y), x between 0 and 255 and y between 0 and 192, (0,0) being the upper left corner of the screen, corresponds to the pixel address
 16384+INT (x/8)+1792*INT (y/64)-2016*INT (y/8)+256*y

The lowest three bits of x determine which bit of this address corresponds to the pixel (x,y). This bit-map constitutes the larger part of the screen memory, 256*192/8=6144 bytes. The final 768 bytes are attribute bytes. The address of the attribute byte corresponding to pixel (x,y) is
 22528+INT (x/8)+32*INT (y/8)
The lowest three bits of the attribute byte control the foreground color (the color of the pixel if the corresponding bit is set), bits 3-5 control the background color, bit 6 is the bright bit and bit 7 is the flash bit: if it is set, every 16/50th of a second the ULA effectively flips the foreground and background colours.


The old .Z80 snapshot format (for version 1.45 and below) looks like this:

Byte Length Description
0 1 A-register
1 1 F-register
2 2 BC-register pair (LSB, i.e. C, first)
4 2 HL-register pair
6 2 Program counter
8 2 Stack pointer
10 1 Interrupt register
11 1 Refresh register (Bit 7 is not significant!)
12 1 Bit 0 : Bit 7 of the R-registers
    Bit 1-3: Border colour
    Bit 4 : 1=Basic SamRom switched in
    Bit 5 : 1=Block of data is compressed
    Bit 6-7: No meaning
13 2 DE-register pair
15 2 BC'-register pair
17 2 DE'-register pair
19 2 HL'-register pair
21 1 A'-register
22 1 F'-register
23 2 IY-register
25 2 IX-register
27 1 Interrupt flipflop (0=DI, otherwise EI)
28 1 IFF2 (not particiulary important...)
29 1 Bit 0-1: Interrupt mode (0, 1 oder 2)
    Bit 2 : 1 = Issue-2-Emulation
    Bit 3 : 1 = Double interrupt frequency
    Bit 4-5: 1 = High video synchronisation
    : 3 = Low video synchronisation
    : 0,2 = Normal
    Bit 6-7: 0 = Cursor/Protek/AGF Joyst ick
    : 1 = Kempston joystick
    : 2 = Sinclair 1 joystick
    : 3 = Sinclair 2 joystick

Because of compatibility, if byte 12 is 255, it has to be regarded as being 1. After this header block of 30 bytes the 48K bytes of Spectrum memory follows in a compressed format (if bit 5 of byte 12 is one). The compression method is very simple: it replaces repetitions of at least five equal bytes by a four-byte code ED ED xx yy, which stands for "byte yy repeated xx times". Only sequences of length at least 5 are coded. The exception is sequences consisting of ED's; if they are encountered, even two ED's are encoded into ED ED 02 ED. Finally, every byte directly following a single ED is not taken into a block, for example ED 6*00 is not encoded into ED ED ED 06 00 but into ED 00 ED ED 05 00. The block is terminated by an end marker, 00 ED ED 00.

That's the format of .Z80 files as used by versions up to 1.45. Since version 2.01 emulates the Spectrum 128 too, there was a need for a new format.

The first 30 bytes are almost the same as the old versions' header. Of the flag byte, bit 4 and 5 have got no meaning anymore, and the program counter (bytes 6 and 7) are zero to signal a version 2.01 .Z80 file. So loading a new style .Z80 file into an old emulator will cause an error or a reset at the most.
After the first 30 bytes, an additional header follows:

Byte Length Description
30 2 Length of additional header block (contains 23)
32 2 Program counter
34 1 Hardware mode: 0=Spectrum 48K, 1=0+interface I,
    2=SamRam, 3=Spectrum 128K, 4=3+interface I.
35 1 If in SamRam mode, bitwise state of 74ls259.
    For example, bit 6=1 after an OUT 31,13 (=2*6+1)
    If in 128 mode, contains last OUT to 7ffd
36 1 Contains 0FF if Interface I rom paged
37 1 Bit 0: 1 if R register emulation on
    Bit 1: 1 if LDIR emulation on
38 1 Last OUT to fffd (soundchip register number)
39 16 Contents of the sound chip registers

Hereafter a number of memory blocks follow, each containing the compressed data of a 16K block. The compression is according to the old scheme, except for the end-marker, which is now absent. The structure of a memory block is:

Byte Length Description
0 2 Length of data (without this 3-byte header)
2 1 Page number of block
3 [0] Compressed data

The pages are numbered, depending on the hardware mode, in the following way:

Page In '48 mode In '128 mode In SamRam mode
0 48K rom rom (basic) 48K rom
1 Interf. I rom Interf. I rom Interf. I rom
2 - rom (reset) samram rom (basic)
3 - page 0 samram rom (monitor, ...)
4 8000-bfff page 1 Normal 8000-bfff
5 c000-ffff page 2 Normal c000-ffff
6 - page 3 Shadow 8000-bfff
7 - page 4 Shadow c000-ffff
8 4000-7fff page 5 4000-7fff
9 - page 6 -
10 - page 7 -

In 48K mode, pages 4,5 and 8 are saved. In SamRam mode, pages 4 to 8 are saved. In 128 mode, all pages from 3 to 10 are saved. This version saves the pages in numerical order. There is no end marker.