< path easy day 1 mission 1 site rep > Since you're new to the squadron, you'll get the chance to fly with Mother. He's a great wingman, but he's usually too busy to get the chance to fly. He'll stick with you, no matter what is going on around you. This is just a check-out flight. As such, the only real goal is hit all of the nav beacons and get back home. TOG interceptors are always a possibility, however, so keep an eye out. Engage targets of opportunity. Although Mother is the squadron commander, you'll be in charge of the mission. It will give Mother a greater chance to evaluate your performance. < end text > < path easy day 1 mission 1 recommendation > You are not officially considered part of the squadron until you complete your check-out flight. Once finished you will be placed in the normal pilot duty rotation. < end text > < path easy day 1 mission 1 suggested squadron > Mother and you will be the only pilots on the mission. A light fighter has been chosen to evaluate your performance. < end text >