This file is used as a disgnostis tool to determine the cause of RUNTIME ERRORS. If you are having dif- ficulties running this game, please fill in the fol- lowing and send to: EMAIL U.S. MAIL ComPuServe CIS 71415,3551 Vir-Tech labs or HELP DREAD BBS HELP FORUM P.O. BOX 530757 (817)-860-0575 Grand Prairie TX 75053 We will respond as soon as we are able. ------------------------------------------------------------ NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP VOICE PHONE DAY NIGHT EMAIL ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIBE RUNTIME ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------ Supply this SYSTEM information if you know it. MAIN PROCESSOR CHOOSE 80386 80486 PENTIUM MOTHERBOARD VGA CARD: RAM BYTES FREE on HARD DRIVE MOUSE ---------------------- CONFIG.SYS -------------------------- BUFFERS=10,0 FILES=30 lastdrive=F FCBS=4,0 device=c:\dos\ansi.sys device=c:\dos\mouse.sys REM BUFFERS = 30 STACKS=9,256 rem CD-ROM driver for PROTAC CR-562B SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS\ /p LENGHT OF C:CONFIG.SYS = 196 BYTES ---------------------- AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------------------ SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T4 @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$g PATH C:\DOS;c:\;C:\WINDOWS;C:\QEMM;C:\WERK;C:\UTILS SET TEMP=C:\DOS SET SOUND=C:\SBPRO C:\SBPRO\SBP-SET /M:12 /VOC:12 /CD:12 /FM:12 call c:\werk\kleur.bat dir | find "" > c:\werk\menu.txt cd werk type menu.txt | sort > menu.txt menu LENGHT OF C:AUTOEXEC.BAT = 286 BYTES