Here's some of my attempts at Mahjongg tile making. All of these sets are for use with Nels Anderson's Mahjongg game. DAVE -- This is the first tile set I ever made, and it has a pretty egotistical theme. Still, if you change the initials, you can scream the wonders of YOUR name too! ILLUMIN -- a tileset based on Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's wonderful book, 'The lluminatus! Trilogy'. I highly recommend the book. RUNES1 -- These aren't real viking runes. I think I stole them from the "Ultima" game series. VERYHARD -- Lives up to its name and no, I've never completed a board with this tileset without cheating. Believe it or not, they are all different. Anyone who can do this one can truly call himself or herself the God-Emperor of Mahjongg. (If you have a monochrome monitor, forget it.) WAYCOOL -- Just kind of neat looking. A little tough, but not very. Hope you enjoy these! Dave Lartigue 72172,230