Here is the Registration Form: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: Jeff Anderson Hover Tank v1.0d 1011 Rainbow Way Boulder, CO 80302 USA Single user form for the registered version of Hover Tank. This form is valid for any version of Hover Tank. Please print this form and send it to the address above. Your name: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Country: ________________________________________ Email address (optional): ________________________________________ Please send $10 if you would like us to send you the newest version of Hover Tank (with modem 4-player support and other cool features). Plus, if you register, then we will also send you the registered version of Megapede, a popular game from Cheesy software. Disk format: [] 3.5" (1.44 Mb) [] 5.25" (1.2 Mb) Comments: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________