The VECTOR-5 GDK will allow you to make games like this one and better! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A PROGRAMER TO USE THE GAME DEVELOPER KIT! * > New Game < This feature will allow you to reset all game data, back-up/restore games, or clear Wave data only (for episodes). * > Title Maker < Change the game title, author and use your own copyright. Set the colors and 3D font effects to your liking. * > Menu Maker < Layout your own main menu screen. Text, colors and menu box can all be changed (for that pesonal touch). * > Text Stuff < Write your own text stuff! The Introductory Story. The Victory Story. The "Read Me" stuff. What ever you want the player to read, from Story to Register info, you can put it all in your own words! * > Ship Maker < Draw your own or edit the ones that come with the kit. You can change: Ship Images Ship Names Classifications Descriptions Speeds Point values Hit values Shoot rates You can list up to 255 ships for easy loading and saving! * > Pick Ships < This feature makes it easy to pick the ships you want to use in your game (can list up to 255 of them). If you are not happy with your choice of ships, then this feature will let you select new ships without having to redo the waves you have already made. * > Wave Maker < Layout ships movements for wave after wave (64000+ possible) of enemy ships. Add "Bonus" stuff to sucker the players into a "Kill Zone" or to help them build-up their ships to take on some really tough waves you have made. Not happy with a wave? No problem! This feature will allow you to change any wave that you want. * > Game Packer < Puts it all together in a ready to distribute format. Even in a self-extracting archive file if you want it to be that way. You must own PKZIP 2 by PKWARE, Inc to take advantage of the ZIP features. The GDK comes with all the necessary files for LZH compression, so if you don't own PKZIP 2 you can still take full advantage of the Game Packer and all of it's features! * > No Royalty Fees < Money you get from your games is yours to keep-all of it! All I ask is that you send me a copy of your game(s) before you release them, otherwise the royalty fee of $1.00 per game copy will be required from you. You must be a registered user of the GDK to distribute any game(s). * > To Register < Send $65.00 (check or money order) to me at the address below and I will send you the Game Developer Kit! Foriegn orders add $18.00 U.S. Currency Only! David Priemer - GDK Rt 8 Box 212 #150 Morgantown WV 26505 Specify disk size (IBM format only) 3-1/2 or 5-1/4 floppy disk 1.4meg, 1.2meg, 720k or 360k All U.S. orders sent by: Federal Express 2nd day delivery. WV residents add 6% sales tax.