R_TP TPIHELP E '2MGENERAL: tNThe object of the game is to capture Morgana's wand as quickly and Nefficiently as possible. You must find the five keys which will Nunlock Professor Grime's safe. N NThe more difficult you make your task, the more points you earn. A Nbase score of 200 points is awarded each time a robot is destroyed. NBest scores are recorded in the Halls of Fame. E NLEVELS OF DIFFICULTY: NYou can make it easy or hard to succeed. The drawback is that the Neasier you make it, the fewer points are awarded for each robot Ndestroyed. E LTWNAlthough you can adjust each setting separately, you may also select Nfrom six presets. These range from Rookie to Ace. Each preset has Nits own Hall of Fame. E LTNUnless stated otherwise, to alter a setting, point and click your left Nor right mouse button on the button alongside the appropriate icon. NIf there is no active mouse, use the cursor keys (press or N to confirm choice). E vxE \|;rIHELP E NLOADING A WORD LIST: Load any word list by clicking on LOAD, clicking Non the list name and then on the OK button. E NEDITING: To edit the displayed word list, click your left mouse Nbutton on the first word to be altered or deleted. Type in or Ndelete letters in the usual way. Use cursor keys to move to other Nwords. Press when finished. E NTo save an amended list, click on SAVE. If you want to update the Nexisting file, click on OK. If you want to save to a different Nfile name, first click on the long, narrow box above the OK and NCANCEL buttons. Type a name for your modified list at the flashing Ncursor, then press . Click on OK when finished. E NNEW LISTS: To create a new word list, point and click on the CLEAR Nbutton. Enter words and save as described above. E NUSE: Click on this to select the list from which the program will Ntake words when the game is played, then click on the list you want Nto use. Finally click on OK. E NWARNING! ALWAYS SAVE BEFORE USING A MODIFIED OR NEWLY CREATED WORD JLIST. E RRRRRRR R R RRRRTRN"HAL'S HAT" NThis lets you select one of the six preset levels. You can also Nselect the practice mode. E NNUMBER OF "LIVES" (Helicopter Icon): NThis determines the number of times your helicopter etc can be Ndestroyed without ending the game. Set from 3 (very difficult) to N15 (relatively easy). The base score for destroying a robot is reduced Nby 10 points for each life you allocate above 3. E NWALLS (Bricks Icon): NYou can run the program with walls "Safe" or "Deadly". If set Nto "Safe", you will not be penalised for hitting an obstacle other Nthan a robot or a missile. When set to "Deadly", hitting a wall means Nlosing a life. Double points are awarded if you select 'Deadly'! E LTWNWORD IN ORDER (abcde... Icon): NWhen set to 'On', letters for the target word are presented in the Ncorrect order. When set to 'Off', letters are presented randomly and Nyour task becomes more difficult. However in this mode you earn double Lpoints! E NFUEL (Fuel Can Icon): NStart with Low, Medium or High quantities of fuel. You get 200 Nextra points for destroying a robot on Low, 100 extra on Medium, none Non High. E NSOUND (Note Icon): NChoose between music, speech and sound effects "On" or "Off" Nthroughout. If you don't have a sound card supported by Lander NSoftware (see README file), select Internal Speaker from the menu in Nthe Sound Setup Utility. E NSPEED (Shoes Icon): NAlter the speed of Professor Grime's robots. Choose Low, Medium or NHigh. You get 200 extra points for destroying a robot on High, 100 Nextra on Medium, none on Low. E NSAVE: Click on this to save current settings as new defaults. E s N"LIPS": Click on this to hear a spoken help message. This facility Noperates only if you have a suitable sound card. E NABOUT: Click on this to see who are behind SPELLBOUND! E NBACK: Click on this to return to the main Control Screen. E NWORD EDITOR: This lets you edit words supplied on disk and Ncreate new word lists. Click on this and then on the HELP button Nfor further guidance. E NHELP: Click on the HELP button to reach this screen. E NKEYS: To re-define the control keys on the keyboard, click on this, Nthen press desired keys. lets you stop and return to Game NSettings at any time. Note this button is only visible if you have Nchosen to play using the keyboard. E E E E E E E E E s E E E E E E E E E E E E NClick on BACK to return to the Game Settings screen. E NNote: To remove unwanted word lists, you must first return to DOS and Nthen delete the relevant file from the SPELLBOUND! directory. Do NOT Ndelete the word list currently displayed in the 'Currently using' box. E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E