Clematis (Clematis sp) Armand (C. armandi) Type: Perennial Zone: 7 Fruit and Flower White flowers in spring. Comments Blooms on previous year's wood; prune after flowering. Evergreen or semievergreen. Big-Petal (C. macropetala) Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Large blue flowers with many sepals in spring. Comments Prune after flowering. Curly (C. crispa) Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Long purple, bell-shaped flowers all summer. Comments Blooms on current year's wood. Duchess of Edinburgh (C. florida hybrid 'Duchess of Edinburgh') Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Pure white double flowers resemble gardenias. Comments Blooms on previous year's wood. Durand (C. x durandi) Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Dark blue flowers with white, midsummer, seed heads in fall. Comments Dies to ground in winter. Fragrant Tube (C. heracleifolia 'davidiana') Type: Perennial Zone: 4-5 Fruit and Flower Fragrant blue flowers in late summer. Comments Does well in full sun or partial shade. Golden (C. tangutica) Type: Perennial Zone: 5 Fruit and Flower Large bright yellow flowers in late spring; seed heads in early fall. Comments Soft, gray-green leaves form good background for masses of flowers. Needs full sun. Blooms are long-lasting. Henryi (C. henryi) Type: Perennial Zone: 5 Fruit and Flower Pale flesh-colored to ivory blooms, up to 7 inches across. Comments A showy climbing vine. Does best in light, loamy, well-drained soil. Jackmani (C. x jackmani) Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Large purple flowers in mid-summer, seed heads in fall. Comments Popular hybrids. Blooms on current year's wood. Jouin (C. x jouiniana) Type: Perennial Zone: 5 Fruit and Flower White or purple flowers in mid-summer; seed heads in fall. Comments Vigorous climber. Nelly Moser (C. patens hybrid 'Nelly Moser') Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Pale mauve petals; profuse bloom. Comments Popular hybrid. Pink Anemone (C. montana 'Rubens') Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Red or pink flowers in late spring; seed heads in summer. Comments Long-lasting flowers bloom on previous year's wood. New foliage is bronze-colored. Grows rapidly. Clematis (Clematis sp) Scarlet (C. texensis) Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Many bright scarlet flowers in midsummer; seed heads in fall. Comments Excellent ornamental native. Grows rapidly. Evergreen or semievergreen. Solitary (C. integrifolia) Type: Perennial Zone: 6 Fruit and Flower Small white, blue, or purple flowers in midsummer. Comments A non-twining, bush-form clematis. Flowers bloom at tips of stems. Grows in sun or shade. Sweet Autumn (C. paniculata) Type: Perennial Zone: 5 Fruit and Flower Many fragrant white flowers in late summer; seed heads in fall. Comments One of easiest vines to grow. Has dense foliage. Resistant to insects or disease. Evergreen or semievergreen. Good for a bank or slope. Traveler's Joy (C. vitalba) Type: Perennial Zone: 5 Fruit and Flower Small white flowers in late summer; large seed heads in fall. Comments Vigorous species with dense foliage. Good for a bank or slope. Virgin's Bower (C. virginiana) Type: Perennial Zone: 5 Fruit and Flower Small white flowers in late summer; seed heads in fall. Comments Native; good for a wildflower garden. Grows rapidly. Withstands wet soil.