Asparagus An asparagus bed is a lifetime investment. Once this vegetable establishes itself, it produces for decades. But it does require patience to get it established, so pick asparagus only after two to three years of growth. Varieties No variety is universally recommended. Asparagus will grow well in all regions except along the Gulf Coast, but each area has different growing requirements. Varieties have been bred with these variations in mind, so look for plants that will grow in your area. Planting To have a healthy asparagus bed, dig a trench about 16 inches deep, then fill it with 10 inches of soil mixed with manure or compost. Choose a sunny spot that will remain undisturbed all season long and for years to come. The site also should be near a source of water. After preparing the bed, set out crowns in the trenches. You can find crowns in local stores or order them through the mail. Crowns are sold by age, and either one- or two-year-old crowns are fine. You also can grow asparagus from seed, but that delays harvest by an additional year. Plant the crowns 8 inches deep and 2 feet or more apart. Cover them with several inches of rich soil. Gradually fill in the trench as the spears grow. Care Because asparagus grows so quickly, give it heavy applications of nutrient-packed manure or compost or fertilizer. Keep the beds mulched at all times to hinder weeds and to increase soil moisture. Remove any weeds that grow through the mulch. Water frequently to encourage as much fern growth as possible. Healthy ferns create large root systems and new buds for next year's crop. After plants die back in the fall, remove all dead ferns to prevent insect infestations and disease the following year. In cold areas, apply a fall mulch to protect the crowns from winter damage. Harvest Never pick asparagus when it is an immature plant. When spears are thicker than a little finger, start to pick lightly. Pick spears before they start to form little branches. To snap off the tender and delicious portion of each spear, bend it to one side just above the tough lower section. Stop picking by early July. For healthy root growth and long-term production, always leave some spears to create new ferns.