Pine (Pinus sp.) Austrian (P. nigra.) Type: Coniferous Zone: 4 Height and Width: 75' tall Shade Density: Dense Fall Foliage: Not Applicable Soil Preference: Well-drained Comments Five-inch dark green needles in bundles of two. Use as specimen tree or in windbreak. Soot-resistant. Cones are 2 to 3 inches long. Monterey (P. radiata) Type: Coniferous Zone: 7 Height and Width: 50' tall Shade Density: Dense Fall Foliage: Not Applicable Soil Preference: Well-drained Comments Four- to 6-inch green needles in bundles of three. Plant as specimen. Most widely planted in southern California. Ponderosa (P. ponderosa) Type: Coniferous Zone: 6 Height and Width: 100' tall Shade Density: Medium to dense Fall Foliage: Not Applicable Soil Preference: Well-drained Comments Four- to 6-inch dark green needles in bundles of three. Fast-growing. Large; ideal for specimen plantings in large yards. Attractive brown platelike bark. Smaller variety is available. Red (P. resinosa) Type: Coniferous Zone: 3 Height and Width: Shade Density: Dense Fall Foliage: Not Applicable Soil Preference: Well-drained Comments Use as specimen tree or in windbreak. Four- to 6-inch dark green, flexible needles in bundles of two. Subject to pine bud moth infestation in some areas. Scotch (P. sylvestris) Type: Coniferous Zone: 3 Height and Width: 75' tall Shade Density: Dense Fall Foliage: Not Applicable Soil Preference: Well-drained Comments Fast-growing. three-inch, blue-green needles in clumps. Red bark on mature trees. Hardy in seashore or city conditions. Drought-resistant. White (P. strobus) Type: Coniferous Zone: 3 Height and Width: 100' tall Shade Density: Medium to dense Fall Foliage: Not Applicable Soil Preference: Well-drained Comments Two- to 5-inch light green needles in bundles of five. Mature specimens stately. Easily sheared and shaped.