Heath (Erica sp.) Cross-leaved (E. tetralix) Small, rose-colored flowers in 1- to 3-inch clusters appear in midsummer. Leaves are hairy, gray, and needlelike. Zone: 4 Light and Soil: Full sun. Moist, well-drained, acid soil. Height: 2' Comments Use in beds, borders, or rock gardens. More cold-hardy than other varieties. Mulch for best results. Prune in early spring. Darley (E. x darleyensis) Small, lilac-colored flowers appear in late fall and continue through spring. Leaves are bright green and needlelike. Zone: 6 Light and Soil: Full sun. Moist, well-drained, acid soil. Height: 2' Comments Use in beds, borders, and rock gardens. Prune fading flower heads. More vigorous than other species. Mulch for best results. Spring (E. carnea) Small, rose-colored flowers appear in small 1- to 3-inch clusters in early spring. Other varieties are pink, red, and white. Foliage is lustrous green and needlelike. Zone: 6 Light and Soil: Full sun. Moist, well-drained, acid soil. Height: 1' Comments Use in beds, borders, and rock gardens. Prune after flowers fade to encourage more vigorous growth. Mulch for best results. Twisted (E. cinerea) Small flowers in 2- to 4-inch clusters appear in early summer. Foliage is lustrous green and needlelike. Colors include rose, pink, white, and purple. Zone: 6 Light and Soil: Full sun. Moist, well-drained, acid soil. Height: 2' Comments Use in beds, borders, and rock gardens. Not so hardy as other varieties. Mulch for best results. Prune after flowers fade to encourage more vigorous growth.