Tree Ivy Also called aralia ivy, botanical-wonder, or ivy tree (Fatshedera lizei) Whether shrub or vine, tree ivy produces glossy, green, ivy-shaped leaves. It's especially effective when several plants are grown together and trained to a central stake, creating a high vertical column of foliage. Light Expose to medium (bright indirect) light for best growth. Tolerates low light. Place in partial shade or filtered light outdoors. Grows well if under artificial light 16 hours per day. Water Keep soil evenly moist. Dry soil can cause leaves to drop. Mist daily. Raise humidity. Temperature Maintain temperatures from 60 to 70 degrees. Tolerates 50 to 80 degrees. Comments Feed monthly with dilute solution during active growth. Likes being pot-bound. Clean leaves monthly with warm water. Avoid leaf polishes. If placed outside, protect from wind to keep leaves from shredding. Prune to desired shrub form or support with stake. Propagate by stem cuttings or air layering.