Shrimp Plant (Justicia brandegeana) Shrimp plant shows off unusual blossoms (bracts) that resemble pale pink or yellow shrimp. It's often sold under its old name, Beloperone guttata. Light Place in high light (southern exposure) in winter and medium (bright indirect) light rest of year. Summer outside in partial shade. Water Allow soil surface to dry between thorough waterings. Water less in fall. Mist daily. Raise humidity. Temperature Maintain temperatures to low 50s at night for best growth. Tolerates average temperatures. Keep cool during dormancy. Avoid cold or frost. Comments Pot up each February. Feed every 14 days with mild solution during active growth. Remove buds from young plants. Each fall, pinch back, reduce watering, and stop feeding; expect leaf drop. Propagate by tip cuttings of half-ripened (new, but firm) wood taken in April.