Haworthia Also called aristocrat plant, cushion aloe, pearl plant, star cactus, or wart plant (Haworthia species) Haworthia is a spiky-leaved plant that, because of resistance to drought and cold, is ideal for a bright windowsill. The many species available offer interesting, simple shapes, and are easy to grow. Light Place in high light in winter and medium (bright to bright indirect) light the rest of the year. Set outside in partial shade in summer. Water Allow soil to dry out between thorough waterings. Keep barely moist during winter rest period to avoid root rot. Temperature Maintain average temperatures during active growth. Let temperatures drop into high 50s during winter rest period. Plant tolerates temperatures into the low 40s. Comments Add coarse, sterile sand to potting mixture to improve drainage. Repot at least once every two years, removing all dead roots. Feed with a dilute solution during active growth, but no more than once a year. Propagate by the offsets that form around the main leaf rosette or by leaf cuttings in spring and summer.