Flame Violet (Episcia species) A splendid, tropical trailing plant, flame violet produces creeping stems that are covered with small plantlets. In spring and summer, brilliant and abundant blossoms appear. Dozens of varieties are available. Light Expose to medium (bright indirect) light at all times. Move plant to find just the right environment. Proper light is crucial for an abundant, lengthy blooming period. Grows well if under artificial light 16 hours per day. Water Keep soil evenly moist. Never let it get soggy, nor allow it to dry out completely. To avoid spotting, do not get water on leaves. Mist around plant, but not on it. Needs lots of humidity. Set on tray or saucer filled with pebbles and water. Temperature Maintain high temperatures for best growth. Tolerates average temperatures. To avoid killing plant, never let temperatures drop below 55 degrees. Comments Use African violet mix with lots of organic matter. Let plants trail from shelf or hanging basket. Feed every 14 days during active growth. Prune to control growth. Propagate by leaf cuttings, runners, seed, or tip cuttings.