English Ivy (Hedera helix) One of the most popular and easy-to-grow houseplants, English ivy splashes deep green from containers or hanging baskets. It also can be trained to wind up supports. Many varieties are available. Light Expose to medium (bright indirect) light. Plant tolerates low to high light conditions. Vary location to find the best spot. Grows well if under artificial light 14 hours per day. Water Keep evenly moist. Mist to clean foliage and raise humidity. Prefers higher humidity, but tolerates dry conditions. Temperature Maintain average temperatures. For best growth, keep temperatures cool (to 55 degrees) at night. Comments Feed every 14 days during active growth. Will grow in either water or soil. Prune to obtain length desired and force branching. Excellent for arrangement into topiary shapes. Just fold chicken wire into any desired form, then fill with moist sphagnum moss. Insert ivy cuttings. Wash with tepid water frequently to deter red spider mites. Propagate by division or stem cuttings.