Echeveria Numerous common names by species (Echeveria species) Echeveria produces finely colored and thick-leaved rosettes, and sends up spikes of tubular blossoms. Numerous varieties are sold, all of which are easy to grow. Light Place in high light (southern exposure). Move outdoors during summer to increase exposure. Grows well if under artificial light 16 hours per day. Water Let soil dry out between thorough waterings March through September. Water just enough to stop leaves from drying the rest of the year. Too much water causes root rot. Prefers dry air; do not mist or raise humidity in any way. Temperature Maintain temperatures of up to 80 degrees during the day and no lower than 50 degrees at night. Comments Add lots of coarse, sterile sand to soil. Feed lightly April through July; avoid feeding in fall and winter when the plant is dormant. Older plants may lose bottom leaves, which is normal. Propagate by offsets in spring or leaf cuttings of upright species, normally taken in fall.