Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum) Easter lily is noted for its trumpet-like flowers and heavenly scent. Light Expose to medium (bright indirect) light until plant dies back. Store bulb in dark until new growth starts. Then move into low to medium light. Move to medium light when blooming starts. Water Allow soil surface to dry between thorough waterings. Water less after flower dies, eventually letting plant go dry. Water lightly to spur new growth. Temperature Maintain temperatures in the 60s, especially during flowering. Store bulb at 40 to 45 degrees until new growth starts. Comments When plant dies back, cut stalk, clean bulb, and store in cool, dark place. In August, plant bulb deep in a pot, barely covering it; add soil as growth occurs. Place in dark, cool spot. Water lightly. When growth starts, move into warmth and light. When bloom occurs 115 days later, move to brighter light. When foliage dies back, restart cycle. Propagate by seed or bulb scales.