Angel-Wing Begonia (Begonia coccinea) Angel-wing begonia gets its name from the shape of its leaves, which grow on stems that reach several feet in length if not pinched back. The plant forms clusters of flowers from spring to fall when conditions are ideal. Light Place in medium light. Bright east or west window is ideal. Avoid full sun, which pales leaves. Good light is essential for bloom. Water Allow soil surface to dry out between thorough waterings. Overwatering causes leaves to drop. Water less in fall and winter during dormancy. Mist regularly or set on a tray filled with moist pebbles. Temperature Maintain average temperatures during active growth; provide low 60s in winter dormancy. Never allow to chill or freeze. Comments Place in small, shallow pot. Too large a pot retards bloom. Pot up only when root-bound. Pinch back to keep plant compact and bushy. Feed every 14 days with dilute solution during active growth. Propagate by stem cuttings.