Achimenes Also called magic flower, monkey-faced pansy, orchid pansy, or widow's-tears (Achimenes species) Ideal for hanging baskets, achimenes rarely grows more than 12 inches high. Its tubular flowers come in a rainbow of colors. Light Expose to medium (bright indirect) light of east or west window. Grows well if under artificial light 16 hours per day. Water Keep soil evenly moist during active growth. Dry out slowly at season's end. Keep dry during storage. Temperature Maintain temperatures of at least 65 degrees during early growth. Increase temperatures to the 80s during active growth. During storage, maintain temperatures in the 50s. Avoid cold at all times. Comments Plant rhizomes two inches apart and three-quarters-inch deep in African violet soil (one rhizome per inch of pot opening). Feed every 14 days with dilute solution. Reduce and finally stop watering as leaves yellow. Store pot in cool, dry spot. Repot in spring to start new growth. Propagate by stem cuttings in spring, rhizome division or scales (on rhizomes) when repotting, or seed in midwinter.