Video and Animation Tools 9/24/96 If you can dream it up, you can shoot it to | your website. This raging fast 32-Bit website | imaging solution works in both Windows95 and | WindowsNT with any capture device supported | by the operating system. This is the single | camera release with Internet/Intranet | support. For more info, check out the EMULive | Home Page. 9/9/96 VidWatch is a powerful video capture | application used with a Windows 95 attached | video camera. VidWatch will capture video | and save as an AVI file only those frames | which change by a configurable amount. | VidWatch can capture days (weeks, months ...) | worth of video in a fraction of the file size | used by conventional video capture | applications. For more info, check out the | VidWatch Home Page. snapcap2.exe 8/15/96 SnapCAP allows you to easily create a webcam | using Snappy - an inexpensive video image | grabber from Play, Inc. With the combination | of SnapCAP and Snappy you'll be able to | automate the capture of images from any NTSC | video source. For more info, check out the | SnapCAP Home Page. 9/2/96 32-Bit 95/NT Webcam software works with | Connectix Color & BW QuickCam or Hauppauge | Win/TV to deliver JPEG images to your | website. This is basic functionality folks, | but worry not - EMULive PRO is coming... and | it's real' mean ;-) For more info, check out | the EMULive Home Page. QT32.EXE 8/13/96 Allows you to view quicktime movies | (.MOV). For more info, check out the | QuickTime Home Page. amov4ie.exe 8/13/96 Includes samples that allow you to | incorporate ActiveMovie streaming format | playback capabilities in your | applications. Provides MPEG, MPEG audio, and | enhanced streaming video support to IE. For | more info, check out the Microsoft | ActiveMovie Home Page. 7/25/96 EMULive uses your Connectix QuickCam, | Hauppauge Win/TV, or Videologic Captivator to | capture and update a live image on your | website! For more info, check out the EMULive | Home Page. mpegplayer.exe 7/1/96 The MPGPLAYER application is a real time | decoder for MPEG audio files. For more info, | check out the Philips Home Page. 6/10/96 This is an AVI player program written with | Visual Basic 4.0. It has many features such | as loop play, reverse play, sound on or off, | windowed or full-screen display, user-defined | frame rate and step rate, user-defined start | and end frames, scaling, pop-up help, | etc. Requires VB40032.ZIP. For more info, | check out the AVIiva Home Page. sdd52.exe 5/5/96 SciTech Display Doctor updates your graphics | card to the latest standards so you can be | sure programs will work correctly and will | run as fast as possible on your system. For | more info, check out the SciTech Display | Doctor Home Page. amsedit.exe 5/3/96 An easy-to-use graphical authoring tool for | creating .asf files; these files are | specifically tailored for low bit rate | networks, such as the Internet. For more | info, check out the Microsoft ActiveMovie | Stream Editor Home Page. cu202w32.exe 3/12/96 Real-time videoconferencing over the 'Net | using a 28,800 KB modem. Can use almost any | video camera and capture board. For more | info, check out the CU-SeeMe Home Page. Free | evaluation but requires a registration # | found here. 2/23/96 An AVI Video movie player that will play the | movies forwards and backwards, with zoom, | scrollbars, and cropping features. Even the | sound will play backwards if you so wish. It | will automatically use Direct Video when | available. For more info, check out the | AviLxp Home Page. 10/15/95 MPEG-1 fast video player. 8/7/95 Sprite Animator for 32-bit Windows. Click | here for more info. 8/5/95 Kind of a goofy animation player. Email me if | you figure it out... vmpeg17.exe 8/2/95 A terrific MPEG file player! 10/13/94 32-bit MPEG viewer. Not as good as VMPEG in | my opinion, but not too bad either!