Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESj LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE Drivers entries nCount _sdRECT right bottom WINRECTSTRUCT origX origY _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo CUSM_WS SetupCheckWinsock CUSM_WS SetupShutdownWinsock CUSM_MM TestVideo CUSM_MM DoesVideoCardWork CUSM_MM DoesVideoCardWorkTest CUSM_MM GetDisplayDepth SERN_DLL Validate_SerialNumber SERN_DLL Standardize_SerialNumber SERN_DLL ExtractParts_SerialNumber SERN_DLL eval_history_ok SERN_DLL Save_DemoNum SERN_DLL eval_history_add Enhanced CU-SeeMe White Pine Softwarea Enhanced CU-SeeMea CUSEEME.EXE Setting up installation application Welcome to Enhanced CU-SeeMea SPLASH.BMP Software License Agreement$ Please read the following license agreement. Use a2 the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreement. Do you accept all the terms of the preceding a1 license agreement? If so, click on the Yes push $ button. If you select No, Setup will close. LICENSE.TXT Enhanced CU-SeeMe Welcomea WIN.INI CU-SeeMea CU-SeeMe_UserR CU-SeeMe_CompanyR CU-SeeMe_SerialNumR! Enhanced CU-SeeMe Registration$ Type your name below. You must also type the name of the company that you work for and the product serial number. Registration Confirmation Sern_dll.dll Invalid Serial Number 1a The serial number you have entered:b! is not valid., Invalid Serial Numbera The serial number you have entered: is a White Pine Reflector serial number, not an Enhanced CU-SeeMe serial number. Please re-enter the correct serial number.b! Invalid Serial Numbera} The serial number you have entered: is not an Enhanced CU-SeeMe serial number. Please re-enter the correct serial number.b! Invalid Serial Numbera The serial number you have entered: is a Macintosh Enhanced CU-SeeMe serial number, not a Windows Enhanced CU-SeeMe serial number. Please re-enter the correct serial number.b! Invalid Serial Numbera %s%s%s%s%sa# The serial number you have entered:b! is not valid. This version of Enhanced CU-SeeMe will only accept DEMO serial numbers. Please reenter a valid DEMO serial number. A valid number can be obtained at the following location:, Invalid Serial Numbera The serial number you have enteredb! is not valid. You have already previouslya- used this DEMO serial number, and DEMO seriala numbers cannot be used twice., Invalid Serial Number 3a The serial number you have entered:b! is not valid., Installing 32-bit binariesA Installing 16-bit binariesA FileComponents Program FilesA On-line HelpA Program FilesA On-line HelpA not a possible choice - SetupTypeA Sern_dll.dll Setup will add items to the foldera in the Program Folders box. You can type a new folder name or$ select one from the Existing Folders list. Program Manager Groupb) The Program Manager group "b$ " already exists. Do you want to replace existing $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ icons in that group with new ones? Program Manager Group Exists; Setup has enough information to start copying Enhanced CU-SeeMe files. aF If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are $ satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files. General CUSeeMeDeinstKeyA Enhanced CU-SeeMe) SFMC.CFGR3 SFMC.CFG* Deleting pre-existing SFMC.CFG file.A WPSG.CFGR3 WPSG.CFG* Deleting pre-existing WPSG.CFG file.A Checking Video Driver Capabilities... Creating Program Group and Icons.... Enhanced CU-SeeMe Installation complete.( SYSLDS.INIR3 Please note: setup encountered a problem recording your demo serial number. You might need to enter a new one when you start $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ CU-SeeMea CU-SeeMe_Userb CU-SeeMe_Companyb CU-SeeMe_SerialNumb! Deleting files from old version" SERIAL.NUM CUSEEME.WRI CUSEEM32.EXE win32\CTL3D32.DLL IVSLID32.DLL SERNUM32.DLL COPYPR32.DLL CUSEEME.EXE win16\CTL3D.DLL IVSLIDER.DLL SERN_DLL.DLL COPYPROT.DLL MSVIDEO.DLL CUSEEME.HLP CUSEEME.WRI CUSEEME.TXT Sern_dll.dll Setup Complete( %P Setup has finished copying files to your computer. However, setup could not install certain files because they are currently in use by other programs in the system. To allow for proper operation of %P, you should restart your computer at this time. You can restart your computer now, or restart it later. Choose below. Remove any disks from their drives, and then click a Finish to complete Setup. Reboot failed.A %P Setup is now complete. You MUST reboot your machine before you can run %P. You can view the README file now. Choose the options you want below. Click Finish to complete %P Setup. Yes, I want to view the README file. CUSEEME.WRI3 WRITE.EXEb4 %P Setup is now complete. You can view the README file and launch %P now. If you choose to run %P at a later time, you can double-click on the program icon installed. Choose the options you want below. Click Finish to complete %P Setup. Yes, I want to view the README file. Yes, I want to launch %P.! CUSEEME.WRI3 WRITE.EXEb4 CUSEEM32.EXE3 CUSEEME.EXE3 Debug Message* Sern_dll.dll Installation Cannot Continue* The installation is not complete. Do you want to exit the $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ setup program anyway? Exit Install?( Sern_dll.dll Enhanced CU-SeeMea" has not been installed. Exiting the setup program at user request. Exit Installation* edit( SETUPSTR862R4 Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb5 _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A GetModuleHandle/ ShowCursor! ShowWindow! SetFocus! GetDlgItem! Enable! SetWindowText! IsWindow! GetWindowRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 GetClientRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 SetWindowPos! MoveWindow! PostMessage! ShowWindow! ShowWindow! InstallSHIELD can not call DLL function: b WIN.INI CU-SeeMe Setupa debug2% You have enabled debug dialog boxesA CUSEEME Enhanced CU-SeeMe Arial$ Installing a Enhanced CU-SeeMe SetupA WPINE.BMP$ ;255,255,255 cuseeme.bmp Creating New Directory Install was unable to create the directory: b# Enhanced CU-SeeMea Destination Path Confirm Newly Selected Directory You have rejected the newly selected directory. Please try again. * Creating New Directory b% Using existing directory b% You cannot install a Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ in the same directory as the installation files are located in. Please specify a different directory. Invalid Directory* You cannot install a Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ in the WINDOWS $ directory. Please specify a different directory. Invalid Directory* You cannot install a Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ in the WINDOWS $ SYSTEM directory. Please specify a different directory. Invalid Directory* You must enter a fully qualified path name, including a drive letter specification. Invalid Directory* The disk b could not be found. Please enter a new directory. Invalid Directory* The Program Manager group "b$ " already exists. Do you want to replace existing $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ icons in that group with new ones? Program Manager Group Exists; Creating Program Folder and Icons... Could not create the program group '%s'. Perhaps you have reached the maximum number of Windows Program Groups? This will not affect installation of your application; however, since Setup cannot create a program group, no icon will be created for the application, so you must invoke it manually. ERRORb7 CUSEEM32.EXE Enhanced CU-SeeMe for Windows CUSEEME.HLP LISTEN32.EXE Enhanced CU-SeeMe Listener% Wpbord32a WPB10.EXE WhitePineboard, CUSEEME.EXE Enhanced CU-SeeMe for Windows CUSEEME.HLP LISTEN.EXE Enhanced CU-SeeMe Listener% Wpbord16a WPB10.EXE WhitePineboard Program Files! On-line Help! WINHELP.EXE b4 Enhanced CU-SeeMea Help CUSEEME.WRI$ WRITE.EXE b4 Read Me: Group Name Not Allowed$ The Program Manager group name you entered cannot be created, because it contains one or more of the following characters: " (Double Quotes) , (Commas) ( ) (Parentheses) [ ] (Brackets) Please enter a new group name. CUSEEM32.EXER CUSEEME.EXER There appears to be an existing version of a Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ in the directory: $ Do you wish to overwrite the existing version? An older version of a Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ is already $ installed in the directory $ Do you wish to overwrite the existing version? Enhanced CU-SeeMea Already Installed This SAME version of a Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ is already installed$ in the directory $ Please select the files you wish to re-install: A NEWER version of a Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ is already installed$ in the directory $ Do you wish to replace the newer version with this OLDER$ version of $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ Enhanced CU-SeeMea Already Installed Exit the setup program?A 03.10( You appear to be running Microsoft Windows Version b Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ requires that Microsoft Windows Version 3.10 or higher be installed. Your system appears to have an 80286 type CPU. Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ requires an 80386 or higher processor chip. Setup has determined that you are running in a 16-bit environment; however, this installation will only install the 32-bit version of Enhanced CU-SeeMe. You must run the 16-bit version of setup in order to install on this system. SYSTEM.INI 386Enha netmiscR 386Enha netcardR 386Enha transportR PATHR Cannot continue installation. Low on memory or resources? WINSOCK.DLLR CUSM_MM.DLL USE DLLa Could not load %s! CUSM_MM.DLL/ Drivers nCount Video Drivera %d Drivers Found.Bb Drivers nCount Drivers entries Video Drivera %d: %80sB CUSM_MM.DLL DriverDialogA VIDEO_DIALOGA CUSM_RES.DLL VIDOPTIONSb4 VIDEO_OPTIONSA Error in defining dialog VIDOPTIONSA CUSM_MM.DLL Drivers nCount Drivers nCount Drivers entries Drivers nCount DriverDialog! DriverDialog (VIDEO_DIALOG) Dialog failedA DriverDialogA DriverDialogA DriverDialogA You must select a driver first.A DriverDialog! Drivers nCount Drivers nCount Using driver 'b setup has detected that you do not currently have a video capture card in your system, or if you do, it is not correctly installed. Would you like to attempt to select a different driver?( intelb isvrprob quickcamb VIDOPTIONS! VIDOPTIONS! VIDOPTIONS (VIDEO_OPTIONS) Dialog FailedA VIDOPTIONSA VIDOPTIONSA VIDOPTIONSA VIDOPTIONSA VIDOPTIONSA VIDOPTIONSA VIDOPTIONS CUSM_MM.DLL NoDriverDialogA NO_VIDEO_DIALOGA Error in defining dialog NoDriverDialogA CUSM_MM.DLL NoDriverDialog! NoDriverDialog (NO_VIDEO_DIALOG) Dialog failedA NoDriverDialog NoDriverDialog VIDOPTIONS DriverDialog CUSM_MM.DLL/ CUSM_WS.DLL ASK_WINSOCKb4 ASK_WINSOCKA Error in defining dialog ASK_WINSOCKA ASK_WINSOCK! ASK_WINSOCK Dialog failedA ASK_WINSOCK ASK_WINSOCK Setup was unable to find a "WINSOCK" compliant TCP/IP a4 driver on your system. Do you have TCP/IP network $ software installed on your PC? Is TCP/IP Installed?( Enhanced CU-SeeMea# requires TCP/IP network software. TCP/IP for Windows 3.1 is available to $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ customers for free. You can finish installing $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ but you will not be able to run $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ until you have installed TCP/IP. TCP/IP Not Installed* Please select the TCP/IP software you have installed:; Select TCP/IP "WINSOCK" compliant TCP/IP from any vendor2? NetManage Chameleon2A Novell LAN Workplace2B PC-NFS version 4.0a and up2C PC/TCP version 2.1 and up2D Microsoft LAN Manager version 2.1 and up2E NONE of these2@ The install program did not detect "WINSOCK" compliant TCP/IP software on your system. Please verify that your TCP/IP software is "WINSOCK" compliant and that it is installed correctly before running Enhanced CU-SeeMe.$ Do you wish to continue the $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ installation? Enhanced CU-SeeMea( does not support your TCP/IP software. To run $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ you must either update your TCP/IP software to a "WINSOCK" compliant version, if one is available, or remove your existing TCP/IP software, and install the TCP/IP software available from $ White Pine Software$ Do you wish to continue the $ Enhanced CU-SeeMe$ installation? Enhanced CU-SeeMea! will be installed to work with "WINSOCK" compliant TCP/IP software. Installing for WINSOCK* CUSEEME.INI CUSEEME.INIR CUSEEME.b CUSEEME.b CUSM_RES.DLL INIFILEb4 SAVE_INIA Error in defining dialog INIFILEA INIFILE! INIFILE (SAVE_INI) Dialog failedA INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILEA Rename the current CUSEEME.INI to b and generate a new CUSEEME.INI file. INIFILEA Preserve the current CUSEEME.INI, and generate a a new INI file called $ INIFILEA INIFILEA Do not generate a new CUSEEME.INI file., INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILEA INIFILE INIFILE( CUSEEME.INIb Your old CUSEEME.INI file was saved as b and Setup will generate a new CUSEEME.INI file.* Setup has generated a new INI file, and has saved it as $ The CUSEEME.INI file has not been changed. Note that $ contains information specific to this installation. Enhanced CU-SeeMe might not operate correctly without values from this file.* You have elected to disregard any INI parameters that Setup has generated. Enhanced CU-SeeMe might not operate correctly without values from this file. Do you really want to do this?( Generating INI file: b INI file not generated.! CUSM_RES.DLL PREFSb4 PREFERENCESA Error in defining dialog PREFSA PREFS! PREFS! PREFS (PREFERENCES) Dialog failedA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFSA PREFS PREFS( CUSM_RES.DLL LOW_BANDWIDTHA Error in defining dialog BWA BW (LOW_BANDWIDTH) Dialog failedA VideoWindows% ShowToolbara Unable to write to INI file b ShowStatusBara Unable to write to INI file b Audio Position% Lefta Unable to write to INI file b Unable to write to INI file b Audio Settings% Want Lurkersa Unable to write to INI file b Microphone Levela Unable to write to INI file b Speaker Levela Unable to write to INI file b Squelch Levela Unable to write to INI file b Push To Talk Modea Unable to write to INI file b Full Duplexa Unable to write to INI file b BufferSizea Unable to write to INI file b Encoding Methoda Voxware (2.4 kbps)! Unable to write to INI file b Encoding Methoda Digitalk (8.5 kbps)! Unable to write to INI file b Audio Window Opena Unable to write to INI file b Compressor Settings( 9000, 7500, CompressorQualityb Unable to write to INI file b CompressorTypea SFMC! Unable to write to INI file b CompressorTypea WPSG! Unable to write to INI file b Capture Settings( CaptureDepthb Unable to write to INI file b UsePaletteFileb Unable to write to INI file b InvertGrayTableb Unable to write to INI file b InvertImageb Unable to write to INI file b CaptureDeviceIndexb Unable to write to INI file b Video Driver Indexa8 Wrote following entry to INI file: CaptureDevideIndex=%sb Video Driver Namea3 Found ' (' at index %d Driver name: %s New name: %sB Video Driver Namea/ Could not find the sub string ' (' in driver %sb' CaptureDeviceNameb Unable to write to INI file b Connect Options( IWillSendVideob Unable to write to INI file b IWillRecvVideoa Unable to write to INI file b IWillSendAudioa Unable to write to INI file b IWillRecvAudioa Unable to write to INI file b Debug Controls% Trace Ona Unable to write to INI file b Debug Flags% Aux Dataa Unable to write to INI file b BWMana Unable to write to INI file b Chata Unable to write to INI file b Compressiona Unable to write to INI file b Errorsa Unable to write to INI file b Assertionsa Unable to write to INI file b Errors in MessageBoxa Unable to write to INI file b Networka Unable to write to INI file b Audio Playouta Unable to write to INI file b Audio Senda Unable to write to INI file b Audio Receivea Unable to write to INI file b OpenContinuea Unable to write to INI file b Statesa Unable to write to INI file b Testinga Unable to write to INI file b Timersa Unable to write to INI file b User Actionsa Unable to write to INI file b Video Streama Unable to write to INI file b Profilinga Unable to write to INI file b TestCodea Unable to write to INI file b Set Breaka Unable to write to INI file b Debug Options% Auto Scrolla Unable to write to INI file b Trace Active Window onlya Unable to write to INI file b Use Windows Debug Windowa Unable to write to INI file b Time Stampsa Unable to write to INI file b Debug Position% Lefta Unable to write to INI file b Unable to write to INI file b Righta Unable to write to INI file b Bottoma Unable to write to INI file b Minimizeda Unable to write to INI file b Devices% [None]! Unable to write to INI file b [None]! Unable to write to INI file b drivers% driversa WaveMapper! Unable to write to INI file b Flow Control) MaxCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinCapa Unable to write to INI file b MaxRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b MinRecvCapa Unable to write to INI file b UseFlowControla Unable to write to INI file b PacketLossReportsa Unable to write to INI file b Menu Position% Lefta Unable to write to INI file b Unable to write to INI file b Righta Unable to write to INI file b Bottoma Unable to write to INI file b MRU List% Target1a! Unable to write to INI file b Target2a! Unable to write to INI file b Target3a! Unable to write to INI file b Participants Position% Lefta Unable to write to INI file b Unable to write to INI file b Participants Window% Senders Window Opena Unable to write to INI file b Senders (not showing) Window Opena Unable to write to INI file b Lurkers Window Opena Unable to write to INI file b Settings% ShowToolbara Unable to write to INI file b ShowStatusBara Unable to write to INI file b Splasha Unable to write to INI file b AutoTilea Unable to write to INI file b AutoOpena Unable to write to INI file b AutoClosea Unable to write to INI file b ButtonsClicka Unable to write to INI file b ClickWhenJoininga Unable to write to INI file b SaveWindowPositionsa Unable to write to INI file b Max Windowsa Unable to write to INI file b Max Windowsa Unable to write to INI file b Max Windowsa Unable to write to INI file b Max Windowsa Unable to write to INI file b Max Windowsa Unable to write to INI file b Torquea Unable to write to INI file b Audio Queue Sizea Unable to write to INI file b Targeta! Unable to write to INI file b Nameb Unable to write to INI file b WhitePINEBoard% .\wpbord32a WPB10.EXE Path32b Unable to write to INI file b .\wpbord16a WPB10.EXE Path16b Unable to write to INI file b Local Position% Opena Unable to write to INI file b Video Position% Window0a 118,211! Unable to write to INI file b Window1a 10,10! Unable to write to INI file b Window2a 180,10! Unable to write to INI file b Window3a 350,10! Unable to write to INI file b Window4a 520,10! Unable to write to INI file b NICKNAME.INI Generating INI file: b White Pine Software ( White Pine Software ( Cornell Universitya InterNet Cafe/Nantucket Islanda NASA TVa EDENa Unable to write to INI file b Send Videob Unable to write to INI file b Receive Videob Unable to write to INI file b Add To Menub Unable to write to INI file b system.ini drivers32% VIDC.WPSGa WPSG32.DLL! Unable to write to INI file b VIDC.SFMCa SFMC32.DLL! Unable to write to INI file b drivers% VIDC.WPSGa WPSGICM.DLL! Unable to write to INI file b VIDC.SFMCa SFMCICM.DLL! Unable to write to INI file b Program Files! On-line Help! Copying standard files... Copying program files...( WB32.Z% wpbord32 Copying 32-bit WhitePINEboard files to , WB16.Z% wpbord16 Copying 16-bit WhitePINEboard files to Copying WhitePINEboard files to b WB.Za *.*Ba *.*Ba cu32.z$ Copying 32-bit executables to b cu16.z$ Copying 16-bit executables to b *.*Bb DLL16.Z DLL32.Z DLL_G.Z nsperror.dllA nsplib.dllA winnt\CTL3D32.DLLA win32\CTL3D32.DLLA IVSLID32.DLLA SERNUM32.DLLA COPYPR32.DLLA DIGITALK.DLLA rt32cmp.dllA rt32dcmp.dllA tv32util.dllA SFMC32.DLLA WPSG32.DLLA win32\AVICAP.DLLA win32\AVICAP32.DLLA MFC30.DLLA MSVCRT20.DLLA MFCN30.DLLA win32\MSVIDEO.DLLA win16\CTL3D.DLLA IVSLIDER.DLLA SERN_DLL.DLLA COPYPROT.DLLA DTALK16.DLLA rt16cmp.dllA rt16dcmp.dllA tv16util.dllA SFMCICM.DLLA WPSGICM.DLLA win16\AVIFILE.DLLA win16\COMPOBJ.DLLA win16\MSACM.DLLA win16\AVICAP.DLLA MFC250.DLLA MSVCRT10.DLLA win16\MSVIDEO.DLLA File Already Exists! Copying program files to b Copying DLL files to b Copying DLL files to b Copying Video Codec DLL files to b Copying Audio-related DLL files to b Could not derive PATH from b Could not derive FILENAME from b %s/%s/%s, at %s:%sb %s/%s/%s, at %s:%sb The folder %s already contains a file called '%s'. Would you like to replace the existing file %s (%dK) modified on %s with this one? %s (%dK) modified on %sb Could not decompress b Copying on-line help files... cuseeme.hlpBa cuseeme.cntBa Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* Unable to find file in packaging listA Unable to find target file in compressed lib.A MyFileSetA General file transfer error (CreateDir). The target directory $ could not be created. Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ General file transfer error (generror). TARGETDIR = $ , SRCDIR = $ Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ General file transfer error (incorrect disk). The disk inserted was not the requested one. Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ General file transfer error (launchprocess). Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ General file transfer error (OPERROR). An error occurred while copying or decompressing files. Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ General file transfer error (default).a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ TARGETDIR = $ , SRCDIR = $ Error Number:$ cu32.z, cu16.z Could not derive PATH from b Could not derive FILENAME from b *.*Ba DLL32.Z, DLL16.Z Could not derive PATH from b Could not derive FILENAME from b *.*Ba DLL_G.Z *.*Ba WB32.Z, WB16.Z WB.ZA Could not derive PATH from a WB.Z* WB.ZA Could not derive FILENAME from a WB.Z* Program FilesB This component includes all a runable binary executables. $ They include Enhanced CU-SeeMe and $ numerous accessory applications.` Program FilesA *.*Ba help.z On-line HelpB This component contains a all neccary help and multimedia $ tutorial files.` On-line HelpA There is not enough space available, %ld bytes, on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Setupb) SetupTypeA a TYPICAL a $ Program Files a $ On-line Help a COMPACT a $ Program Files a CUSTOM Program Files! a $ Program Files On-line Help! a $ On-line Help Target DirectoryA b# Program FolderA b$ Error Uncompressing( CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 1 Could not allocate enough memory to decompress the Setup files. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 2 Could not locate enough free disk space on the target disk. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 3 Could not create input files in the target directory. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 4 Could not create find or open the file from the source directory. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 5 The file in $ is read-only. Remove the read-only attribute from the target and try again. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 6 Error Uncompressing) CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 1 Could not get information for file %s from lib %s (incompatible)$ This is not a fatal error; click OK and continue. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 2 Could not get information for file %s from lib %s (memory)$ This is not a fatal error; click OK and continue. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 3 Could not get information for file %s from lib %s (openinput)$ This is not a fatal error; click OK and continue. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 4 Could not get information for file %s from lib %s (options)$ This is not a fatal error; click OK and continue. CU-SeeMe Setup Internal Error 5 Could not get information for file %s from lib %s (unknown reason)$ This is not a fatal error; click OK and continue. DEBUGb _MRQj2 3.00.074