
Section: User Commands (1)
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Souper - transfer mail and news to SOUP

Souper is a program that transfers mail and news from a POP3 mail server and NNTP news server respectively to SOUP packets. It can also send messages in SOUP reply packets. It runs on OS/2 Warp with the IBM Internet Connection for OS/2.  


Copy the souper.exe file to a directory in your PATH.

Edit your \tcpip\etc\services file. Look for a line beginning with the word "pop3". If the file does not contain such a line, add the line

pop3             110/tcp

to the file.

Souper is designed to work with the IBM Internet Connection for OS/2. In your PPP/SLIP settings notebook, you must fill in the entries for

Your Host Name:
Your Domain Name:
News Server:
Mail Gateway:
POP Mail Server:
Reply Domain:
Reply (Mail) ID:
POP Login ID:
POP Password:

Ask your Internet service provider for the correct values for these settings.  


You can set these environment variables to change the default behaviour of the program.

Specifies the user's home directory. If not set, this defaults to the current directory. The program looks for the newsrc file in the home directory.
Specify the NNTP news server, overriding the news server given in the PPP/SLIP settings notebook.
Specify the command to execute to send mail. If this is not set, then Souper sends the mail directly to the mail server specified in the PPP/SLIP settings notebook.
Specify the command to execute to post news. If this is not set, then Souper posts the news directly to the news server specified in the PPP/SLIP settings notebook.


Use a text editor to create a file named newsrc in your home directory. List the newsgroups you want to transfer, one per line, and end each line with a colon. For example:


The program records the article numbers it has fetched by updating this file.

If you use Yarn, be sure to give Souper a separate newsrc file from the one used by Yarn. The files must be separate and are used for different purposes. The Souper newsrc file records the articles you have downloaded from the news server. The Yarn newsrc file records the articles you have read with the Yarn news reader.  


A kill file specifies criteria used to kill news articles, that is, exclude them from the SOUP packet. You can kill articles that have a specific subject, are from a specific poster, or contain a particular string anywhere in the header.

By default, the program looks for a file named kill in your home directory. An entry in the kill file has the format:

<newsgroup> {
  <where> <pattern>


is the name of the newsgroup in which the search patterns apply. If the name is "all", the search patterns apply in all newsgroups.
specifies where to search in the article. "from" searches the From line. "subject" searches the Subject line. "header" searches all lines in the article header.
is the string to search for. All searches are case-insensitive.

Here is an example kill file:

all {
  From netkook
comp.os.os2.advocacy {
  Subject Microsoft
  Subject crash OS/2

In all newsgroups, articles from netkook are killed. Also in the comp.os.os2.advocacy newsgroup, articles with a Subject containing the string "Microsoft" or "crash OS/2" are killed.  


To fetch your mail and news, run the command


You can specify a different POP3 mail server than the one specified in the PPP/SLIP settings notebook by instead running the command

souper <mailhost> <userid> <password>


is the name of the host running the POP3 mail server
is your POP3 user ID
is your POP3 password

If you want to transfer only news, specify the -m option to disable the mail transfer.

souper -m

If you want to transfer only mail, specify the -n option to disable the news transfer.

souper -n

The program creates the AREAS and *.MSG files of the SOUP packet in the current directory. Here's a typical batch file designed to import news into Yarn:

cd \temp
import -u

And to export messages from Yarn:

cd \temp
unzip -o \home\
del \home\
souper -s



The program accepts the following command line options.

Check for new newsgroups. If any newgroups were created since the last time Souper was run, add the new newsgroups to your newsrc file.
-c n
Catch up news. Mark every article in every newsgroup as read except for the last n articles.
-h dir
Set home directory. This option overrides any HOME environment setting. If the HOME environment variable is not set, the default is the current directory.
Do not read the configuration from the IBM Internet Connection for OS/2 settings notebook. If the use this option, you must specify the required mail and news host information through the command line and environment variables.
-k n
Set maximum news packet size in Kbytes. The default is 2048 Kbytes. If you set this to 0, the packet size is unlimited.
-K file
Specify another kill file. The default is the kill file in the home directory.
-l n
Kill articles that contain more than n lines in the body.
Do not get mail.
Do not get news.
-N file
Specify another newsrc file. The default is the newsrc file in the home directory.
Set read only mode. Do not empty your POP3 mailbox or update the newsrc file.
Send replies. The program expects the SOUP reply files in the current directory.
When fetching news, create SOUP summaries instead of transfering entire articles.
Do not process news Xref headers.


This program is derived from popclient by Carl Harris <> and uqwk by Steve Belczyk <>.  


The author makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this material for any purpose. It is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranties. The author will assume no liability for damages either from the direct use of this product or as a consequence of the use of this product.



Souper - transfer mail and news to SOUP

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Time: 16:09:10 GMT, January 29, 2023