Notes for pythonwin - Version 0.9. Mark Hammond May 3, 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a common readme for all versions. *** Please make sure you have the correct distribution *** pythonwin-09-?.exe - Windows NT/95, with "setup" utility. pythonwin-09-?.zip - Windows NT//95 - manual install procedure. py31-09-?.exe - Windows 3.1, with "setup" utility. py31-09-?.zip - Windows 3.1 - manual install procedure. If installing this over an old Python installation, please remove _ALL_ old files before installation (use the "Uninstall" option if available, but you must manually clean the .pyc files, which can cause trouble.) For information on the use of "PythonPath" and the registry, see the Pythonwin documentation index at, and follow the link. SETUP UTILITY VERSIONS: This is a WinZip self extracting archive - now a Windows program. It should be recognised as a .zip file by all zip tools. Before installing, please remove any "\TEMP\DISK1" directories. To install this software, double-click on the filename in FileManager or Explorer. This will you present you with a WinZip dialog box. Leaving the default options selected will unzip the installation file, and automatically run "setup" for you. MANUAL INSTALL VERSIONS: If on Windows NT/95, ensure you are using a tool which can handle long file names, such as WinZip 6, or ??? (NOT the DOS version of pkunzip.exe) Look for "MFC40.DLL" and "MSVCRT40.DLL" in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM (or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 for NT) directory. If not, download (for windows 95/nt) or (for Windows 3.1) Unzip this, and copy into the system directory. Create the directory where you wish to have Python installed. Unzip the distribution in this directory, remembering to re-create the directory structure. NT/95 - from a command prompt in the Python directory, run the command "python scripts\". Windows 3.1 - from file manager, select "pythonwi.exe". Select the "File" menu, then "Run". Change the command line to "pythonwi.exe /run scripts\", and press . Setup icons to Pythonwin.exe, python.exe, hlp files etc. Off you go! WINDOWS 3.1 VERSIONS: You must have the latest Win32s for this program to work. WINDOWS NT USERS NOTE: You _must_ be logged in with administrator priveliges, else the setup will fail when modifying the registry. - eof -