10 windows 11 system 12 source 13 target 14 target2 15 target3 16 target4 17 target5 18 TempDir 19 VersionCheck 20 DateTimeCheck 21 .DateCheck 22 switch 23 ZIPDDIRS 24 Size: 25 :AliasList 26 SetShell 27 SetShell.Active 28 SetShell.SystemIniName 29 SetShell.SysSectionName 30 SetShell.Shell 31 SetShell.Backup 32 SetShell.Restore 33 SetShell.message 34 SetShell.SetShellIfLoaded 35 SetShell.SetShellIfLoaded2 36 SetShell.IfActiveList 37 SetShell.SubProcess 38 registration 39 registration.text1 40 registration.text2 41 registration.text3 42 registration.cancel 43 registration.help 44 registration.appname 45 registration.appname2 46 registration.string 47 registration.Active 48 registration.prevappname 49 registration.serialize 50 Extra3 60 To run this program, you need to reboot your system. If you cannot reboot your system, please contact your system administrator. 61 Reboot Windows NT 256 VersionSearch 257 .appname 258 .apppath 259 .text1 260 .text2 261 exists. 262 .existslist 263 text 264 defpath 265 reqspace 266 TargetDrive 512 IniName 513 SectionName 519 UpdateAutoexec 520 Append 522 insert 523 IniSrc 524 IniTrgt 525 NewSectionName 526 NewItemName 768 caption 769 cancel.caption 770 cancel.text 771 cancelshell.caption 772 cancelshell.text 773 Cancel 774 CancelShell 775 ncdtree.caption 776 ncdtree.text1 777 TREEINFO.NCD 1024 copymain 1025 copysub 1026 link: 1027 posx 1028 posy 1029 AdvoDefault.posx 1030 AdvoDefault.posy 1031 AdvoDefault.text 1032 Count 1033 SetActiveCopy 1034 copy 1035 disknames 1036 BitmapsOnly 1037 Primary.caption 1038 Primary.text 1039 Primary.button 1040 Primary.selsizetext 1041 Primary.prevsizetext 1042 Primary.reqspacetext 1043 Component.caption 1044 Component.text 1045 Primary.DisableButtons 1046 TypeSelect.caption 1047 TypeSelect.button 1048 TypeSelect.descrip 1049 TypeSelect.grouptext 1050 TypeSelect.count 1051 TypeSelect.text 1052 InstallVersion 1280 autoexec 1281 editerror1 1282 editerror2 1283 editerror7 1284 caption 1285 text1 1286 filespec 1287 addpath 1288 additems 1289 delitems 1290 remitems 1291 %path% 1292 path 1293 set 1294 path= 1295 rem 1296 filetype 1297 config 1298 ini 1299 text 1300 ansi 1301 rem1 1302 rem2 1303 rem3 1304 rem4 1305 section 1306 radio 1307 EditCaption 1308 EditText 1309 PutMeAfterThis 1310 LoadFromFile 1311 BootFile 1312 Create 1313 CreateText 1314 File created by the Symantec Setup for Windows 1536 max 1537 min 1538 color= 1539 mono= 1540 ext 1541 exe 1542 .dll 1543 .function 1544 DefaultDir 1545 Location 1546 FirstNetDrive 1547 file 1548 FindItems 1549 FindRems 1550 lessthan 1551 greaterthan 1552 CompLine 1553 Reset 1554 Relative 1555 RelativeTo 1792 ndw.exe 1794 install.inf 1795 syminstl.Hlp 1796 ndw.siw 1797 ndw.ini 1798 siw3zip.dll 1799 siwzip.dll 1800 SIWINI.INI 1801 siwunzip.dll 1802 ~SIW 1803 disks.inf 2048 process 2049 ZipHook 2050 WindowsVersion 2051 ExitHookProc 2052 Errors.nohelp 2053 Errors.nohelpcaption 2054 SymantecDir 2055 SymantecDirBrowse 2056 SYMANTEC 2057 c:ymntc 2304 ins 2305 yes 2306 Shell 2307 Install 2308 groups 2309 logfile 2310 descrip 2311 AllowContinue 2312 SrcSysIni 2313 SrcWinIni 2314 Key 2315 SubKey 2316 SilentMode 2560 SmartErase 2561 SmartCanWarning 2562 EPWarning 2563 CompressionChars 2564 CompressionChars.LZW 2565 CompressionChars.ZIP 3328 Symantec Setup 3329 Please run Setup.exe 3330 Error! 3331 Syntax Error: Stmnt # 3332 \nMatching #ENDIF not found 3333 \nValid switches are from 1 to %s 3334 \nInvalid identifier in statement 3335 \nUnexpected #ELSE found 3336 \nUnexpected #ENDIF found 3337 Could not make Setup.exe the Shell. \n\nMake Progman the Shell and ensure that no stand-alone apps are running. 3338 Error restoring Win.ini. \nPlease contact Tech support 3339 Can't locate version stamp: \n%s 3340 Unable to complete product registration 3341 Unable to verify product registration 3342 Version Check error: %s 3343 The length of your path may exceed %d characters.\n 3344 The maximum allowed by DOS is %d characters. 3345 Sorry. The file is too large to edit\n 3346 Information File Not Found 3347 Backup Files:\nBoth source and target must be specified 3348 Sorry. Only one .ini per AddToIni/CopyIni section 3349 Sorry. Only one Section keyword per AddToIni/CopyIni section 3350 Put filename(s) & sectname before \nthe keyword & string 3351 Error updating file:\n\n%s\n\n 3352 Sorry. Only one .ini per DelFromIni section 3353 Delete from .ini:\nCouldn't load work file 3354 Put filename & sectname before \nthe keyword & string 3584 \n\nSorry. Only one .ini per VerifyIni section 3585 \n\nSorry. Only one Section keyword per VerifyIni section 3586 Put filename & sectname before \nthe keyword & string 3587 Error Updating %s\n\n 3588 Error updating Autoexec.bat during 'Shell=' modification\n\n 3589 Insufficient Disk Space 3590 Setup Error! 3591 %s K Used, %s K Free 3592 %s Mb Used, %s Mb Free 3593 Insufficient Space!! 3594 Could not create the directory you requested: \n%s 3595 Could not access the directory you requested: \n%s 3596 Could not access the drive you requested: \n%s 3597 Sorry. Cannot install on floppy drives!! 3598 Sorry. This character is not allowed in the target path name: %c 3599 Unable to locate the Help file. 3600 Help not available for this dialog box 3601 Error loading %s 3602 Error expanding file: 3603 Please close all other applications, \nso that Setup can complete the installation process! 3604 Sorry, can't decompress files compressed by NPack. \n\nAnother compression method must be used. 3605 Unable to create icon group. Setup will continue. 3606 SIMsgBox - Unable to locate message string 3607 Error - Invalid DC 3608 Error - Can't Allocate Memory 3609 Error - Can't Free Memory 3610 Error - Can't Lock Memory 3611 Error - Can't Unlock Memory 3612 Unable to access icon group. Uninstall will continue. 3613 Unknown User 3614 Unknown Organization 3615 The specified path is invalid 3616 The path specified does not exist 3617 Mismatched #endif found 3618 You have chosen a different drive and/or\ndirectory than where the previous version\nof the program was found. This may\nrequire additional disk space.\n\nPress OK to continue or CANCEL to review\nyour selection. 3619 New Path Selection 3620 This install script is incompatible with this\nversion of the Symantec Setup for Windows. 3621 E&xit Setup 3622 The selected drive does not support long file\nnames. Please enter a valid DOS path. 3840 If you cancel, you will discard\nany changes you have made to the\nfile in this or previous edits.\nDo you wish to continue? 3841 Warning 3842 The file has exceeded the maximum\neditable size. Editing will be\ncancelled. Please make the changes\nafter installation is complete. 3843 The file has been edited. 3844 A memory allocation error occured\nwhile preparing the changed file.\nPlease cancel the edit and\nmake the changes after\ninstallation is complete. 3845 The required changes to your autoexec.bat\nfile may cause the PATH statement\nto exceed the DOS limit of %d characters.\n\n 3846 We suggest that you:\n1. Review the required changes.\n2. Save the changes to a new file.\n3. Make the necessary changes after\ncompletion of the installation. 3847 An error has occured while preparing\nthe changed version of the file\n%s.\n 3848 A write error has occured while saving\nthe file %s.\nThe file may be write protected or\nthere may be insufficient disk space.\n\n 3849 Please correct the problem and run the\ninstallation program again or make the\nchanges manually. 3850 An error has occured while loading the\nfile %s\nfor modifications.\n\n 3851 The file may not exist or cannot\nbe opened. Installation will continue\nbut you may need to correct the problem\nand run the install program again. 3852 An unrecoverable problem has been\nencountered while preparing the file\nfor output. Please contact our\ntechnical support for assistance\nin modifying the file. 3853 E&xit Program 3854 Windows Version Error 3855 The serial number entered is invalid. 3856 Serial Number Error 3857 A memory allocation error occured\nwhile preparing the changed file.\nPlease cancel the edit and\nmake the changes after\nuninstall is complete. 3858 We suggest that you:\n1. Review the required changes.\n2. Save the changes to a new file.\n3. Make the necessary changes after\ncompletion of the uninstall. 3859 Please correct the problem and run the\nuninstall program again or make the\nchanges manually. 3860 The specified directory contains no files. 3861 We were unable to communicate with your\nshell program to create the icon group.\nWe will now attempt to create a group for\nthe Windows Program Manager instead. 3862 We were unable to communicate with your\nshell program to remove program icons.\nWe will now attempt to remove the icons from\nthe Windows Program Manager instead. 3863 You must enter a drive and directory for installation. 3864 No spaces are allowed in the path name. 3865 Please enter a pathname in the form:\nDRIVE:\DIRECTORY\nWhere DRIVE is a valid drive letter\nand DIRECTORY is the name of the\nsubdirectory you want to use or create. 3866 The drive letter %c: is invalid.\nPlease enter a new pathname. 3867 Label %s not found. 3868 KB 3869 Insufficient! 3870 &Reboot Now 3871 Restart &Windows 3872 E&xit to DOS 3873 Insufficient memory for string allocation, Terminating application. 3874 INSTBIN.EXE 3875 Cannot restart as shell under Windows NT or OS/2 3876 Unable to restart Windows.\nPlease quit all applications\nand then run Setup.exe again. 3880 ResetShellHook 4096 DOS Error #%d 4098 File Not Found; Unable To Copy File. 4099 Path Not Found; Unable To Copy File. 4100 Too Many Open Files 4101 Access Denied; Unable To Copy File 4104 Insufficient Memory 4111 Disk Drive Invalid 4125 Write Error; Unable To Copy File 4126 Read Error; Unable To Copy File 4224 Location of the source files must be different \nfrom the location of the destination files. 4225 Version check error on file \n%s 4226 Misc Error; Unable To Copy File \n%s