Szipw32 BugFix history Version Number 2.0: -Initial release 2.1: -Fixed Double Backslash added in 'Add With list' function when root dir was selected. -Use last access dirs option added. -Enhanced 'Rebuild File'function. 2.1a: -Fixed 'Rebuild using local info' bug. -Fixed configuration 'Default Add Dir' and 'Default Ex Dir' buttons mixup. 2.1b: -Some filename creation bugs fixed. -Missing Overwrite question bug fixed. -Added new file button. -Encryption is now full pkzip 2.0 compatible. -Fixed GPF when input file access denied. -Fixed rebuild function not showing progression. 2.2: -Added sort toggle option for fast loading of big archives. -Added 'Remove files that fail CRC check' function. -No more 'Shareware info wait 5 secs...' at startup for unregistered users. -Fixed the File not found error at startup. -Content editor, will not edit binary files anymore. -Registration bug fixed. 2.3: -Added command line options. -Fixed button enable problem when invalid file was loaded. 2.3a: -Fixed command line "-T" option misfunctioning. -Added "-Z" command line option to overwrite current zip file with new empty one (zero contents). -Added "-I" command line to run Szipw as an Icon. -Added 'Make Directory' on the fly from 'Extract List box'. -Disabled tab do not show on startup anymore. 2.4: -Improved help. -Added "-D" command line options to remove file or (@listfile) -Command line options can be scattered along the command line ex: "-ATI" is equal to "-A" "-T" "-I" -Added "-P" command line options (password to encrypt/decrypt) password must be just next to "-P". ex : "-A" "-Ppassword" "" "" -Added last files used in File menu. 2.4a: -When running Szipw from the command line, a new zipfile will be created only when the command line parameter "-A" is specified, when "-U" or "-F" is pecified, the zipfile must exists. -Improved response to the "cancel button". -Fixed focus problems when ran from the command line. -Changed "-P" password option to "-C" to avoid confusion. 2.5: -Changed directory listboxes by DirectoryTreeView and Filelistboxes by DirectoryListView. -When zip file did not exists, Zipw would still show all it's tabs, any function would then create a GPF. 2.5a: -Fixed bug that would report "disk full" when compressing accross multiple diskettes. -Bug when filenames without path information would be specified on the command line. -Added default "*.*" files to add when not specifying any files to add on the command line. 2.5b: -When a directory was selected in the "Add" section, clicking on 'Add' button with no 'recurse' and no 'store path' would wrongly report "Nothing to do". -When a file comment was entered in the "Property" section, clicking on another filename would assign the file comment to the new selected file, this was because the 'click' message was processed before the 'exit editor' message. -Fixed the input string in the make directory dialog box. 2.6: -Szipw would propose to test the archive even if there was an error because the zip file would not fit on the device. -Improved multitasking while compressing/uncompressing. -Now Szipw asks to update the file when then file content really changed. -Make directories and Remove Directories/files available from the popup menu (use right mouse button) in Directory trees and File lists. -Move option (when compressing) is now functional. -Szipw will now register ZIP files with itself, when zip files are double-clicked, the system runs szipw. 2.6a: -Szipw now stores its configuration in the Registry. -The effect of the "Only edit text files" checkbox in the configuration tab was inverted. 2.6b: -Szipw now registers a "Zip File" template in the "New documents" explorer menuitem. 2.6c: -Szipw will register zip files with itself, only when the appropriate checkbox is checked in the configuration tab. -New menuitem available : "Command line options" in Help menu. 2.7: -Added support for backup sets for automated backup. (.zmd) This is done through the '@CmdFile' command line parameter. 2.7a: -Fixed wrong file attributes stored when zipping accross disks. -Centered properties in property tab. 2.7b: -Files that had no attribute settings were not added to the zip file. 2.7c: -Configuration for "Sort display" and "Associate Zip files" was not properly saved. -A small bug came in because of the way the dir tree is handled, causing non-fatal 'Access Read Errors' when files were added or removed from the archive. 2.7d: -The new way Szipw handled clicks in the ziptree caused file properties not to display anymore, fixed. 2.7e: 2.7f: -Some drag & drop functions within the archive fixed. 2.8: -Bug in span disk operation would cause some files to be corrupted, this is fixed. 2.8a: -Fixed problem with Windows NT. 2.9: -Added the remove by wildcard function. This allow to remove files from within the archive giving a pattern (ex: *.txt). 2.9a: -File listbox is now updated when moveflag is used. 2.9b: -Error message 'Bad address read' on startup, fixed.