20000 FlashPoint Windows UnZIP95 20002 UNLICENSED 30 DAY EVALUATION COPY! 20003 FlashPoint Windows SFX 20004 FPZSFX 20005 FlashPoint Windows ZIP 20006 FlashPoint Windows ZIPX 20007 FlashPoint Windows WIZiper 20008 FlashPoint Windows ZIP Filer 20009 FlashPoint Windows FPZXX 20010 UNZIP95 20011 FlashPoint Windows ZIP File Manager Extension 20012 FPZFMX 20013 FlashPoint Windows ZIP Navigator - Set Options 20014 FPZOPT 20015 FPZIP 20016 FPZIPX 20017 FPWIZ 20018 FPWZF 20019 FPZXX 20020 fpzip.ini 20021 FlashPoint 20022 FPZIP 20023 FPZIPX 20024 FPZXX 20025 FPWIZ 20026 FPWZF 20027 FileMasks 20028 PK Shell 20029 General 20030 FPZOPT 20031 03100204 20035 UZ95EVENT 20036 UZ95TERMINATE 20040 FlashPoint Windows UnZIP95 20041 UNZIP95 20042 UNZIP95DLL 20100 unzip95.hlp 20101 flashpointwindowszipfilemanagerextension 20102 Search() 20103 howtoorderandlicenseapplications 20108 acknowledgments 20109 winhlp32.hlp 20201 &Abort 20400 Processing completed!\n 20401 Unable to allocate sufficient memory 20402 .ZIP 20403 Module Filename: 20404 \n Command Line: 20405 Command line error -- no characters follow initial ine. 20406 ~fpz 20408 Unable to create directory %s 20412 The file %s already exists.\n \n Select an overwrite option, rename the output file or cancel processing. 20413 This selection is currently under development 20420 Unable to open the file %s 20801 fpzgrm.dll 20802 fpzsrm.dll 20803 commdlg.dll 20804 shell.dll 20806 fpzhrm.dll 20810 fpzip.exe 20811 fpzipx.exe 20812 pkunzip.exe 20813 pkzip.exe 20814 zip2exe.exe 20815 pkzipfix.exe 20816 write.exe 20817 fpprt.exe 20818 fpview.exe 20820 \n\nThis indicates the original file was altered or a possible virus infection. Please take appropriate steps to secure your computer and data. 20821 Error accessing %s for Ahenticity Verification check. 20822 Authenticiity Verification detected a date stamp error for file %s.%s 20823 Authenticiity Verification detected a file size error for file %s.%s 20824 Authenticiity Verification detected a CRC error for the file %s.%s 20825 Insufficient memory to run the Authenticity Verification check on file %s. 21031 %s password: 21032 Enter password: 21033 password incorrect--reenter: 21102 Unable to allocate memory for arguments 23301 Skipping: %-s requires newer %s version %u.%u. This release supports versions through %u.%u.\n 23302 Skipping: %-s compression method %d\n 23303 %s: bad filename length (%s)\n 23304 %s: bad extra field length (%s)\n 23305 file #%d: bad archive offset (%s)\n 23306 central 23307 \n %s: bad file comment length\n 23308 _lseek 23309 End of file 23310 Unable to locate local header signature 23312 local 23317 Skipping: %-s unable to get password\n 23318 Skipping: %-s incorrect password\n 23323 At least one error was detected in %s.\n 23324 No files tested in %s.\n 23325 No errors detected in %s\n 23326 No errors detected in %s.\n Tested %d member file%s\n 23327 Skipped %d file%s due to unsupported compression or encoding.\n 23328 Skipped %d file%s due to incorrect password.\n 23329 VMS 23330 \n %s stored in VMS format. Extract anyway? (y/n) 23331 FlashPoint ZIPX 23333 Testing: %-s 23334 Extracting: %-s\n 23335 \n 23337 UnShrinking: %-s\n 23338 \n 23340 Expanding: %-s \n 23341 \n 23343 Exploding: %-s\n 23344 \n 23346 Inflating: %-s 23347 \n 23349 Archive %s has unknown compression method\n 23350 Archive %s is probably corrupt\n 23351 %-s: 23352 Bad CRC %08lx (should be %08lx)\n 23353 OK\n 23354 \n 23363 Unsupported extra field compression type. Skipping...\n 23364 (Bad extra field CRC %08lx, should be %08lx)\n 23401 Unable to open archive %s\n 23402 \n Cannot create %s\n 23403 Cannot make output file binary: %s\n 23404 \n Unable to write %s (disk may be full). Continue? 23405 \n Unable to set file time (%d)\n 23407 \n Unable to set file attributes (%d)\n 23501 \n Insufficient memory to build table - out of memory 23602 out of memory [%s]\n 23603 unable to process [%s]\n 23606 / 23607 Creating: %s 23608 \n 23609 conversion of %s failed\n 23610 warning: truncating filename\n 23801 %s 23802 \n 23803 warning: filename too long--truncating.\n 23804 [ %s ]\n 23805 warning: extra field too long (%d). Ignoring...\n 23806 intl 23807 iDate 23901 23902 \n Unable to locate end-of-central-directory\n 23903 Expected central file header signature not found (file #%u).\n 23904 Attempt to read beyond beginning of archive %s 23905 Verify binary mode used to transfer/create archive.\n 23906 Unable to locate file [ %s ]\n 23916 error: -at, -av, -ct, -cu, -cv, -fn, -tu, -tv, -uv combinations not allowed\n 23917 Conflict: Requests to never and to always overwrite files; both requests will be ignored.\n 23919 Unable to locate file %s\n 23920 Error: Unable to allocate buffers\n 23921 -a convert text (LF => CR LF) 23922 -s spaces in filenames => _ 23923 reserved 23924 reserved 23925 reserved 23926 FPZIPX: Extract Utility\n FlashPoint Windows ZIP Navigator -- ZipNAV, %s.\n 23927 Copyright (c) 1986-93\n Richard Patterson/FlashPoint Development\n All Rights Reserved.\n \n 23928 Usage: fpzipx [ -options[modifiers] ] file[.zip] [filespec...]\n \n 23929 -e extract files (default) \n -l list files (short format)\n 23930 -c extract files to stdout/screen (CRT) \n -v list files (verbose format)\n 23931 -f freshen existing files, create none \n -n extract only new/newer files\n 23932 -h display help \n -t test archive integrity\n 23933 -z display archive comment\n \n 23934 Modifiers:\n \n 23935 -p protect existing files from overwrite\n %s\n 23936 -o overwrite files WITHOUT prompting \n %s\n 23937 -j junk paths (don't make directories) \n -U don't make names lowercase\n 23938 -q quiet mode (-qq => quieter) \n -V retain VMS version numbers\n \n 23939 Examples: (See manual for more information)\n \n 23940 fpzipx data1 Readme\n \n => extracts file Readme from zipfile data1.zip\n \n 23941 fpzipx -p foo | more\n \n => send contents of foo.zip via pipe into program more\n \n 23942 fpzipx -fo foo\n \n => quietly replace existing files if archive files newer\n \n 23945 \n Archive was created by a ZIP file compression utility, 23946 other than FlashPoint ZIP, that incorrectly marked the 23947 file as being a part of a multi-disk set. 23948 23949 23950 \n Archive is missing %ld bytes. Compensating...\n \n 23951 \n Archive has a NULL central directory offset. Compensating...\n \n 23952 \n Archive contains %ld extra bytes. Compensating...\n \n 23953 Archive is empty\n 23954 Archive is corrupt -- unable to locate start of central directory. \n 23955 Reported length of central directory is %d bytes too long. Compensating...\n \n 23956 Archive is part of multi-disk set which is not supported by this release.\n 23957 \n File: %s\n \n 23958 Unable to locate end-of-central-directory signature. 23959 Either this archive is not a valid ZIP file, 23960 or is a part of a multi-disk set. \n 23961 23962 \n Archive %s comment:\n \n 23963 \n The archive file comment was truncated!\n 23964 Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name\n ------- ------- ------- ----- -------- ----- -------- -----------\n 23965 Length Date Time Name\n -------- -------- ----- -----------\n 23966 Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name\n ------- ------- ------- ----- -------- ----- -------- -----------\n 23967 Length Date Time Name\n -------- -------- ----- -----------\n 23968 Stored 23969 Shrunk 23970 Reduce1 23971 Reduce2 23972 Reduce3 23973 Reduce4 23974 Implode 23975 Token 23976 Deflate 23977 reserved 23978 reserved 23979 reserved 23980 reserved 23981 reserved 23982 reserved 23983 reserved 23984 reserved 23989 %8ld %02u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u %c%s\n 23990 %8ld %-7s %8ld %3d%% %02u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u %08lx %c%s\n 23991 %7lu %-7u 23992 %7lu %7lu %3d %-7u 23993 ------- -----------\n %8ld %-7u\n 23995 ------- ------- ----- -----------\n %8ld %8ld %3d%% %-7u\n 23997 Unk:%03d 23999 Comment: 30001 Could not initialize 30002 Could not create main window 30011 Calls to _fmalloc: %lu\n 30012 Calls to _frealloc: %lu\n 30013 Calls to _ffree: %lu\n 30014 Heaps: %u\n 30015 Freed heaps: %u\n 30016 Calls to try_alloc: %lu\n 30017 Calls to try_free: %lu\n 30018 Get heap loops: %lu\n 30023 Internal Error: Could not create window class 30024 .TXT 30025 &Save Buffer... 30026 E&xit 30027 &About %s... 30028 &File 30029 &Help 30030 Memory Allocation Error: Unable to allocate sufficient global memory to save buffer! 30031 Write to Disk Error: Problem writing %Fs. Insufficient disk space? 30032 &Edit 30033 &Set Options... 30034 &Contents 30035 &Search for Help on... 30036 &How to Use Help 30037 How to &Register 30052 Unable to allocate memory for message. 30053 Message string exceeded buffer and was truncated. 32004 %d 32050 %02d%02d%02d 32105 DlgFontName 32106 DlgFontHeight 32107 UseQuikView 32108 Mono 32109 DefVScanExe 32111 Arial 32112 DefZipFile 32113 \new_file.zip 32114 AppVers 32115 DirTmpBuild 32116 TEMP 32117 TMP 32118 ExcludeFiles 32119 ExcludeOn 32120 NoCompExt 32121 NoCompOn 32122 .ZIP,.LZH,.ARC,.ARJ,.PAK,.ZOO 32123 CompMethod 32124 CompFactor 32125 BackupFromDate 32126 BackupFrom 32127 CommentFile 32128 CommentZip 32129 DateToEntry 32130 MoveToZip 32131 OnOrAfter 32132 Recurse 32133 StorePath 32134 StoreVolume 32135 ClrArcAttr 32136 NOCOMPEXT 32137 DirTarget 32138 ExpandPath 32139 ExpandVolume 32140 ArcOnly 32141 FPZIPX 32142 ActionCmd 32143 OnDrop 32144 ListName 32145 ListFileName 32146 ListDate 32147 ListTime 32148 ListSize 32149 ListAttr 32150 ListType 32151 ListComment 32152 ListCompOS 32153 ListCompMethod 32154 ListCompSize 32155 ListCompRatio 32156 ListCRC 32157 ListExtra 32158 ExecOnDrag 32159 Float 32160 KeepDate 32161 WinX 32162 WinY 32163 WinW 32164 WinH 32165 WinWX 32166 AlertUser 32167 AutoClose 32168 Beep 32169 EchoCmd 32170 InformUser 32171 InformTech 32172 WarnUser 32173 Crypt 32174 DefCPW 32175 ShowCmdLine 32176 ShowWin 32177 CritCRCInt 32178 Yield 32179 DefOpenExe 32180 DefPrintExe 32181 DefViewExe 32182 StdOut 32184 AppendToZip 32185 SetMSDOS 32186 CompVersion 32187 Zip200 32188 OnExec 32189 AnsiFont 32194 AnsiCode 32195 DefPKZipExe 32196 DefPKUnzipExe 32197 DefPKZipSFXExe 32198 DefPKZipFixExe 32199 windows 32200 MakeSFX 32201 No386 32202 NoEMS 32203 NoXMSUMB 32204 NoNet 32205 NoDPMI 32206 SlowMemCopy 32207 BackupBeforeDate 32208 BackupBefore 32209 Before 32211 ExtractOrder 32212 ExtractOrderRev 32221 ExtractView 32222 ExtractPrint 32223 ExtractRun 32225 ExtractNew 32226 ExtractFresh 32227 OverWrite 32228 OverWriteAll 32229 OverWrite 32230 CvtToDosText 32231 RetainSpace 32234 AtrrComp 32235 AtrrNoComp 32236 AttrMaskComp 32237 AttrNoMaskComp 32238 AttrMaskExtract 32239 AttrNoMaskExtract 32240 AVPK 32241 MultDisk 32242 OpenCompatMode 32243 GenZListFile 32244 GenZListFileName 32245 GenXListFile 32246 GenXListFileName 32247 PrtMode 32248 PrtCom 32249 PrtPort 32250 ViewInfo 32251 ViewInfoSort 32252 ViewInfoCmt 32253 ViewInfoMore 32254 ViewInfoRev 32256 FontHeight 32257 FontWidth 32258 FontEscapement 32259 FontOrientation 32260 FontWeight 32261 FontItalic 32262 FontUnderline 32263 FontStrikeout 32264 FontCharSet 32265 FontOutPrecision 32266 FontClipPrecision 32267 FontQuality 32268 FontPitchAndFamily 32269 FontFaceName 32299 Error detected 32300 Processed successfully 32301 Bad file name or specification. 32302 Error in .ZIP file (EL 2). 32303 Error in .ZIP file (EL 3). 32304 Insufficient memory. (EL 4). 32305 Insufficient memory. (EL 5). 32306 Insufficient memory. (EL 6). 32307 Insufficient memory. (EL 7). 32308 Insufficient memory. (EL 8). 32309 Insufficient memory. (EL 9). 32310 Insufficient memory. (EL 10). 32311 Insufficient memory. (EL 11). 32312 Nothing to do. 32313 Missing or empty ZIP file. 32314 Output file write failure. 32315 Could not create output file. 32316 Invalid command argument. 32317 Reserved 17. 32318 File not found or no read permission. 32322 Entry too large to split 32323 Invalid comment format 32324 Invalid archive or insufficient memory 32325 Internal logic error. 32326 Temporary file failure (drive may be full). 32327 Input file read failure. 32340 Processing terminated by user 32342 Processing aborted!\n 32344 Multiple action commands not permitted in a command line. 32345 Occurred while getting encryption password 32346 STDERR is not a TTY device 32347 Password was not verified 32354 Occurred while processing command line arguments 32382 A password must appear in the command line before the archive name. 32555 Interrupted. 32600 System was out of memory, executable file was corrupt, or relocations were invalid. 32601 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-1). 32602 File was not found. 32603 Path was not found. 32604 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-4). 32605 Attempt was made to dynamically link to a task, or there was a sharing or network-protection error. 32606 Library required separate data segments for each task. 32607 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-7). 32608 There was insufficient memory to start the application. 32609 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-9). 32610 Windows version was incorrect. 32611 Executable file was invalid. Either it was not a Windows applicaion or there was an error in the .EXE image. 32612 Application was designed for a different operating system. 32613 Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0. 32614 Type of executable file was unknown. 32615 Attempt was made to load a real-mode application (developed for an earlier version of Windows). 32616 Attempt was made to load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple data segments that were not marked read-only. 32617 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-17). 32618 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-18). 32619 Attempt was made to load a compressed executable file. The file must be decompressed before it can be loaded. 32620 Dynamic-link library (DLL) file was invalid. One of the DLLs required to run the application was corrupt. 32621 Application requires Microsoft Windows 32-bit extensions. 32622 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-22). 32623 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-23). 32624 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-24). 32625 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-25). 32626 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-26). 32627 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-27). 32628 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-28). 32629 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-29). 32630 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-30). 32631 No association for the specified file type, or there is no association for the specified action within the file type.\n \n See Windows Users Guide on associating file types. 32632 Undocumented Exec Error (MS-32).