:Base unzip95.hlp :Title UnZIP95 :Index UnZIP95=unzip95.hlp 1 Introduction 2 Welcome=welcome 1 Concepts 2 Fundamental Concepts=fundamentalconcepts 2 File Compression 3 File Compression and Archives=filecompressionandarchives 3 File Compression=filecompression 3 Compacted and Compressed Files=compactedandcompressedfiles 2 Libraries and Archives 3 Library and Archive Files=libraryandarchivefiles 2 A Brief History on Compression and Archives 3 Archive and Compression Formats -- A History=archiveandcompressionformatsahistory 2 What is Shareware? 3 Shareware Distribution=sharewaredistribution 1 Getting Started 2 Getting Started=gettingstarted 2 UnZIP95 Utilities 3 The Tools=thetoolsets 4 FlashPoint UnZIP95 Executable=flashpointunzip95executable 4 FlashPoint Explorer Shell Extensions 5 The Explorer Shell Extension=theexplorershellextension 5 Custom Icons=customicons 5 Property Sheets=propertysheets 5 Context Menu=contextmenu 2 Installation and Setup 3 Installing FlashPoint Windows UnZIP95=installingflashpointwindowsunzip95 3 Advanced Configuration=advancedconfiguration 3 Windows95 System Configuration=windows95systemconfiguration 2 Additional Help 3 Getting More Help=gettingmorehelp 1 Using UnZIP95 Features 2 Using the Explorer Context Menus=usingtheexplorercontextmenus 2 Using the Explorer Property Sheets 3 Using the Explorer Property Sheets=usingtheexplorerpropertysheets 3 General Property Sheet Page=thegeneralpropertysheetpage 3 Members Property Sheet Page 4 Members Property Sheet=thememberspropertysheetpage 4 Zip "Info" Dialog=thezipinfodialog 4 "Unzip To" Directory Browser=theunziptodirectorybrowser 4 About Dialog=aboutdialog 4 Order Info Panels=orderinfopanels 2 Using the UnZIP95 Executable 3 The UnZIP95 Executable File=usingtheunzip95executable 3 The User Interface 4 Basic Command Line Format=basiccommandlineformat 4 Graphic Interface 5 Main Display Options=maindisplayoptions 5 The TTY Window=ttywindow 5 The Progress Dialog=progressdialog 4 Important Dialogs and Controls 5 Overwrite Options Dialog=overwritedialog 5 Rename File Dialog=renamefiledialog 5 Password Dialog=passworddialog 5 About Dialog=aboutdialog 5 Order Info Panels=orderinfopanels 2 Online Help=help 1 Legal Stuff and Acknowledgements 2 Legal Notices=legalnotices 2 Proprietary Information=proprietaryinformation 2 Acknowlegements=acknowledgments 1 License and Agreements=licenseandagreements 1 How to Order and License Applications 2 How to Order and License Applications=howtoorderandlicenseapplications 2 Shareware Distribution=sharewaredistribution 2 Registered User - Benefits, Support and Feedback=registereduserbenefitssupportandfeedback 2 Individual Use (Per Copy) License Orders 3 Individual Use (Per Copy) Licenses=individualusepercopylicenses 3 Single User/Copy License Orders=singleusercopylicenseorders 3 CompuServe Online Registration=compuserveonlineregistration 3 Order Form -- Individual Use (Per Copy) Licenses=orderformindividualusepercopylicense 2 Multiple Use (Site) License Orders 3 Multiple Use (Site) Licenses=multipleusesitelicenses 3 Site License Orders=sitelicenseorders 3 Order Form -- Multiple Use (Site) Licenses=orderformmultipleusesitelicenses 2 Distribution and Commercial Licenses 3 Distribution Licenses=distributionlicenses 3 Application Form -- Distribution License=applicationfordistributionlicense 2 Other Important Information on Ordering 3 General Information=generalinformation 3 Credit Card, Telephone, FAX and Modem Orders=creditcardtelephonefaxandmodemorders 3 Purchase Orders and Billing=purchaseordersandbilling 3 International Orders=internationalorders 2 Summary of License and Related Fees=summaryoflicenseandrelatedfeesinusdollars 1 Installing and Uninstalling UnZIP95 2 Installation and Removal=manualinstallationandremoval 2 Manual Installation of UnZIP95=manuallyinstallingunzip95 2 Uninstalling UnZIP95=uninstallingunzip95 1 Appendix 2 FlashPoint Development=flashpointdevelopment