Dear FlashPoint User: Just a quick note, to thank you for trying the "Number One" Microsoft Windows Explorer add-on unzip utility available today -- FlashPoint's UnZIP95. We're sure you'll agree that it's the only "Completely Simple" UnZip solution for Microsoft Windows Explorer, and hope you will help us spread the word. Feel free to pass around copies of the shareware, evaluation version of UnZIP95 to your family, friends and business associates (don't forget to drop a copy in your company's IS managers' in box). Also, visit our new World Wide Web (WWW) site, for updates, free downloads and other information on this and other FlashPoint products. You can find us at: or use our backdoor, at: If your Web Browser is "associated" with "HTM" files, just double-click your mouse in Windows Explorer or My Computer, on the file named FP_WWW.HTM; otherwise, just use your Browser's File Open option. Best Regards, Richard Patterson FlashPoint Development