VIRTUS VOYAGER [alpha release] TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION OF VOYAGER, GO TO: At publication date, Virtus Voyager was in final stages of alpha development for the 68k Macintosh, Power Macintosh, and Windows 95 operating systems. While the version include with this CD ROM works great, we encourage you to hit our web page and check out the latest Voyager, as features are being added weekly. WINDOWS 3.1 Users Note: Virtus Voyager was not currently available (and may not be) for Windows 3.1 users due to the unavailablity of development files. INSTALLATION Installation of Virtus Voyager is exactly the same as installation of Virtus VRML for both Macintosh and Windows. Follow the same procedure as it is listed on the Virtus VRML Read Me or as it is listed in the book on pages 260-261. MACINTOSH - SETTING UP VOYAGER AS A HELPER APPLICATION FOR NETSCAPE 1.2+ Voyager may be configured to work as a helper application with Netscape or any other browser with that capability. After launching Netscape, from the Options menu, choose Preferences... From the pop-up menu, choose Helper Applications. 1.In the Helper Applications dialog window, select the New... button. 2.In the Create New Mime Type dialog window, type: Mime Type: x-world, and for Mime Subtype: x-vrml and click OK. 3.In the extensions cell type: wrl, vpy, vvr, wlk, vmd 4.Select the Browse... button and locate the application, Virtus Voyager and choose Open. 5.In the Action area of the Helper Application window, choose the Launch Application radio button. Choose OK to close the Preferences dialog box. Now Virtus Voyager is configured to work with Netscape as a Helper Application. WINDOWS - SETTING UP VOYAGER AS A HELPER APPLICATION FOR NETSCAPE 1.2+ Voyager may be configured to work as a helper application with Netscape or any other browser with that capability. 1.In the Helper Applications dialog window, select the Create New Type... button. 2.In the Create New Mime Type dialog window, type: Mime Type: x-world, and for Mime Subtype: x-vrml and click OK. 3.In the File Extensions cell type: wrl, vpy, vvr, wlk, vmd 4.Select the Browse... button and locate the application, Virtus Voyager and choose Open. 5.In the Action area of the Helper Application window, choose the Launch the Application radio button. Choose OK to close the Preferences dialog box. Now Virtus Voyager is configured to work with Netscape as a Helper Application for Windows. Special thanks to the Independent JPEG Group for their import code. © 1995-96 Virtus Corporation. All rights reserved.