Timers nc4895.zip 8/29/95 NetClock allows users to track connection | times via their COM port. You can track time | intervals for services such as Internet, AOL, | Bulletin Boards, and Compuserve. Business | can use the multiple log-in feature to track | multiple users from one computer. Time | ranges can be set for peak and off-peak | periods. Multiple billing and logging | methods, international currency and features | supported! For more info, check out the | NetClock Home Page. wmin3212.zip 7/18/96 Launches, dials, and times dial-up | connections with the America Online service | in Win95. Tons of features! VB40032.DLL | Required. For more info, check the WAOL Home | Page. cp1232.zip 6/23/96 Monitor time and phone rate on connections | via modem (Internet, BBS, etc.) For more | info, check the CuentaPasos Home Page. CostMan.zip 6/5/96 Cost Manager for telephone calls. Only for | Italian Users. VB40032.DLL and MSVCRT40.DLL | Required. comti12a.zip 6/2/96 Utility that allows the user to monitor time | and money spent when using Internet. Has got | advanced functions for monitoring of | costs. The program is designed to be easy to | use and is equipped with a graphical | interface for defining different rates. stime101.exe 4/30/96 SmallTime is a handy little utility timer | designed specifically for Windows 95. It | will time any event up 99 minutes and 59 | seconds in duration. SmallTime features 5 | unique alarm sounds, plus the ability to | utilize any sound file you specify. For more | info, check the Gadgetware Home Page. | Shareware $5.00 ws-timer95_02_00.zip 9/9/96 WS-TIMER monitors time spent online. WS-TIMER | also has an application Tollbar and a RAS | dialer that allows multiple numbers and will | keep dialing in a loop until it gets a | connection. For more info, check the | WS-TIMER Home Page. scrntime.zip 4/3/96 Once started, this app times the amount of | time each window, in Windows95 has focus. | This is useful if you want to monitor how | long a user spends on each screen of a | particular application, or how much time, | over the course of the day a user spends on | an application. For more info, check out | Fergware Screen to Screen Timer Home Page. icost.zip 3/13/96 Costmanager is written for the new german | telephone billing system. At every connect of | a RAS-Entry, the cost mananger writes it down | in a the protocoll. For more info, check the | Costmanager Home Page. ccm303.zip 12/18/95 Automatically tracks the time that you are | connected to the 'Net. olttp.zip 12/1/95 Keeps track of time spend on line to service | providers. Also includes a programmable | toolbar to launch apps. For more info, check | out the Olttp Home Page. olttp.zip 11/12/95 A freeware communications connect time | monitor for Win95.