Specifing the location of a document

Each hypertext document has a unique URL (Univeral Resource Locator), as they are called in the Internet, that specifies the location and method of retrieval. To enter a URL, simply click on the 'Location:' bar that is next to the URL window. The title 'Location:' will become 'Change To:' and any URL you might have there, will be highlighted to indicate that you can type in a new URL.

The format of a complete URL can be reasonably complicated and cumbersome.

To simplify things for the user, the Other Package is designed to create a complete URL from partial information.

Typical Homepages
Simply enter the server that stores the document
Example: www.theother.com

FTP downloads
If a server name is entered beginning with 'ftp.', FTP access is assumed.
Example: ftp.theother.com

Local files and directories
Local information can be accessed by entering the full pathname of a file or directory.
Example: c:\theother\readme.txt

Compete URLs
Of course complete urls can be entered.
Example: HTTP://www.theother.com/beta.htm