Internet Suites softshow.exe 9/5/96 SoftShow is an integrated suite of tools | designed specifically for computer | demonstration and instruction. If you teach | classes based around software, give | demonstrations of computer applications or | give presentations using software of any | kind, you need to check out SoftShow. For | more information, check out the SoftShow Home | Page. 5/29/96 New and Improved releases of the multi-app | terminal emulation, contains many essential | winsock apps such as FTP, News and Email. theoth32.exe 5/10/96 An integrated Internet suite that includes a | Netscape compatible browser that supports | frames, tables, multimedia, etc; an | full-featured E-mail client and a great news | reader! For more info, check the The Other | Internet Package Home Page. IJS200.ZIP 5/1/96 The first totally integrated Intranet suite | of applications that enables Windows 95 users | to eliminate the complexity of Intranet | access by presenting them with a unified | interface to all services and resources. For | more info, check the INTRAnet Jazz Suite Home | Page. netr200.exe 1/21/96 Provides web, news,mail, ftp, and gopher | client services. Expires after 24 hours (free | version 1.2 still available). For more info, | check out the Pathlink Home Page. 9/15/95 32-bit stack and suite of Internet | applications. For more info, check out the | Core Systems Home Page.