:Base jsbping.hlp 1 Multi Ping 2 Getting Started with Multi Ping 3 What is Multi Ping ?=pg_whatis@jsbping.hlp>mpref 3 When to use Multi Ping=pg_whentouse@jsbping.hlp>mpref 3 Parts of the Ping Window=pg_pic@jsbping.hlp>mpref 2 How To... 3 Run Multi Ping=pght_start@jsbping.hlp>pgproc 3 Exit from Multi Ping=pght_exit@jsbping.hlp>pgproc 3 Test a Connection to a Remote System=pght_testremotesystem@jsbping.hlp>pgproc 3 Test a Service on a Remote System=pght_testservice@jsbping.hlp>pgproc 2 Troubleshooting 3 Status Messages=pg_messages@jsbping.hlp>pgref 3 Contacting JSB=gen_contacts@jsbgen.hlp>main