Networking Tools 9/7/96 DynamIP allows you to post your dynamic IP | address to a file of your choice and then | have this file uploaed to an FTP server. You | can use it to keep a page updated with your | current IP address, but you could easily use | it to update any other file. For more info, | check the DynamIP Home Page. 9/5/96 Drag-and drop software distribution for | NetWare networks. With NWCopy you can | distribute files and directories to multiple | servers by simply dragging the selected files | from File Manager or Explorer and dropping | them on the NWCopy window. Requires a | workstation running Windows 95 with Novell's | Client32 installed. 9/28/96 Allows you to connect your entire LAN to the | Internet with just one modem. Acts as a | proxy server, which enables other machines on | the LAN to access the Internet. Unregistered | version only supports 1 proxy connection. For | info on setting up this app, check out the | Single Modem LAN Connection | Page. For more info, check out the WinGate | Home Page. gtalk.exe 8/30/96 Allows interactive voice conversations around | the world. GatherTalk does even more than a | phone. It allows teleconferencing on | Internet, even with modem connections. It can | support 3 people conferencing using 14.4kbps | modems and 5 people conferencing using | 28.8kbps modems. No special chat servers are | required, all connections are direct. For | more info, check the GatherTalk Home Page. ps3432.exe 8/28/96 Windows utility for synchronizing/replicating | files and folders (w/sub-folders). Batch | processing can be set with the option to | process data automatically. Full pre and post | synchronization reporting. Option to | list/delete unmatched data on destination | drive. Plus much more. Check out the PeerSync | Home Page. 8/14/96 IPQuery is THE quick and easy way to examine | your current IP address. Great for dialup | users who are dynamically assigned IP address | and who use programs such as CUSeeMe or FTP | servers. For more info, check the Home Page. 8/13/96 I.S. User Information for Windows95. Manages | user information on large networks such as | UNIX / NT /Novell. Tracks information such as | hardware, NIC addresses, TCP/IP addresses, | network hub ports, multiple logins, passwords | (optional), phone extentions, and many other | fields including some user definable. Also | includes a TODO utility to remind busy | network system administrators of important | projects. For more info, check out the | I.S. User Information for Windows95 Home | Page. 8/13/96 ZipMapper is a network management utility for | NT/95 that allows you to easily manage your | LMHOSTS file, and connect and disconnect your | computer to network resources. With | ZipMapper, connecting local devices to | network computers only takes a few button | clicks! For more info, check out the | ZipMapper Home Page. 8/5/96 NetProxy enables many users on a Local Area | Network to access the Internet simultaneously | via a single dial-up SLIP, PPP or ISDN | connection. For more info, check the NetProxy | Home Page. 7/29/96 Online is a shareware program that allows you | to easily post your dynamic PPP Internet | address to a HTML Document, allowing others | to look up your current Internet address and | contact you. Information is posted in a | formated HTML document including the time you | logged in and services available. For more | info, check the Online Home Page. 7/27/96 This program will take your current IP | address, place it in a file and then upload | that file to your web server. Thereby | allowing people to get your dynamic ip | address. For more info, check the ActiveIP | Home Page. as122ev.exe 7/25/96 AutoSOCKS is a firewall traversal application | for 16- and 32-bit Windows | applications. Utilizing advanced WinSock | hooking technology, it transparently | socksifies Windows-based TCP/IP (Internet and | intranet) applications thereby providing | controlled, secure access to external | networks. For more info, check the Aventail | Autosocks Home Page. wsock32.dll 7/21/96 A WSOCK32.DLL replacement which makes your 95 | machine a full proxy client. This allows you | to use almost any 32-bit app to connect | through your SOCKS Proxy firewall. For more | info, check the Home Page. 7/20/96 WhereRU? is a program for people with | dynamically assigned IP numbers that will | automatically determine your current IP | address and insert it into an HTML file of | your choice, then send it to a remote site | (such as your ISP account) where others can | view it and follow the new links to your | site, where you can run web servers, email | servers, etc. For more info, check the | WhereRU? Home Page. PortMessage.exe 7/10/96 Listens on a port for incoming telnet-style | connect requests; gives a text message and/or | a file response and closes the connection. | Great for 'server down' messages on MUDs, or | retrieving automated status info from a | remote machine without a web/ftpserver. For | more info, check the PortMessage Home Page. 7/3/96 A collection of Winsock network utilities. It | contains several Windows ports of UNIX | utilities and some other functions, such as | name server lookup, finger, ping, traceroute, | whois, daytime, quote, Winsock info, socket | services, socket protocols, and a barebones | URL grabber. For more info, check the NetScan | Tools Home Page. 6/27/96 Coverts the two letter code of a foreign | country's domain into the name of the | country. 6/25/96 Allows unlimited network users to keep their | Netscape 2.0 bookmarks, email, and news in | their home network directory. Whatever | computer they log in at, Nifty Network Thing | will point Netscape to their settings on the | server. netbox.exe 6/14/96 A simple to use network utility program | consisting of 9 individual applications such | as Finger, Ping, Traceroute, Whois, and Time | Sync, a nifty utility which can properly | synchronize your Windows 95 system clock with | the National Institute of Standards and | Technology atomic clock. For more info, check | the Network Toolbox Home Page. 5/15/96 Multiple browsing from one IP account. Full | cache-ing saves online time and phone | bills. Support Win95 dial up | networking. Automatic dial and drop. Works | with modems and ISDN. User definable cache | refresh etc. For more info, check out the | CProxy Home Page. 5/3/96 TCP/IP Surveyor (32-bit) offers a graphical | representation of the network (WAN or | INTERNET/INTRANET) and the ability to reach | defined hosts. Draw a map connecting routers, | workstations, and servers in a way that shows | the IP route. 5/2/96 WhatsUp is an easy-to-use network monitoring | tool that initiates visible, audible, or | remote beeper alarms when monitored network | elements do not respond to polling. For more | info, check out the WhatsUp Home Page. 4/25/96 Allows login scripts to be written with macro | expansion, news of the day, registry edits, | printer/drive connections and many | others. NT95Script is a 32 bit Windows 95 | app. Includes program and Word for Windows | documentation. For more info, check the | NT95Script Home Page. 4/25/96 For those of you who sign up to a million | different accounts across the | Web...PassKeeper is a Windows utility that | allows you keep a list of accounts with | usernames, passwords, and notes.The list is | stored encrypted. For more info, check the | PassKeeper Home Page. Sonar.Exe 4/23/96 This program is a Windows 95 "ping" | application. It was created to replace the | console based "ping" program that comes with | Windows 95. It can be used to verify IP | connectivity of machines on a network. For | more info, check out the Home Page. PM.Exe 4/23/96 Ping-O-Matic is a new program designed in | Visual C++ 4.1that pings a list of servers at | regular intervals. This program was designed | to generate just enough network traffic to | keep up network links for Web servers. For | more info, check out the Home Page. pt_kit.exe 4/3/96 A simple 32 bit Windows program that will | automatically issue a 'PING' to a designated | IP address periodically as determined by the | user. This is useful for determining network | accessibility to a site and that site's | status. For more info, check out the | PingTrak Home Page. 3/15/96 A powerful little app to help you manage your | out-of-control temp files and directories | over your network. For more info, check the | Temp Manager Home Page. nslookup.exe 3/6/96 32 bit console version of NSLookup for | Windows NT/95. Works just like the Microsoft | supplied TCP/IP console apps (ping, tracert, | ftp). For more info, check the Dennis's Home | Page. lookup.exe 3/4/96 Program to resolve IP Addresses to Host | Names, Resolve Host Name to IP Address(es), | and returns aliases as well as the Host's | Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). For more | info, check the NSLookup Home Page. 2/24/96 Stomper allows computers on a Novell Network | to share a modem. For more info, check the | Stomper Home Page. c3295n_1.exe 2/5/96 Full NDS support as well full integration of | Microsoft TCP/IP and Peer to Peer support. 10/09/95 From the author of WS_FTP, a great PING | client. Shows data loss, allows tracert, and | more! For more info, check out the WSPING32 | Home Page! nexus.exe 9/7/95 Windows 95 versions of Server Manager, User | Manager, and Event Viewer for managing | Windows NT Servers from a Windows 95 desktop. 8/22/95 Displays current IP address info.