Network Phones gtalk.exe 8/22/96 GatherTalk is a phone for the Internet. It | allows interactive voice conversations around | the world. GatherTalk does even more than a | phone. It allows teleconferencing on | Internet, even with modem connections. For | more info, check the GatherTalk Home Page. 8/15/96 Internet CALL is a real-time, full-duplex and | low transmission rate voice communication | software. Some of it's features are: Low | Transmission Rate - ICALL uses CELP voice | coding algorithm to compress 128kbps PCM | voice signal to only 4.4kbps. This bit rate | makes ultra-distance calls through very | limited bandwidth. For more info, check the | Internet Call Home Page. i32p20.exe 8/13/96 Internet Phone Release 4, the latest of | VocalTec's award-winning software, goes | beyond voice to offer a few suite of | multimedia features. Not only you can Talk | for Free over the Internet, but now you can | also leave voice mail, exchange files, and | create, edit, and view documents in | real-time. For more info, check the | VocalTec's Home Page. 8/5/96 IRIS Phone is another real-time Internet | telephone which lets you talk as a | conventional telephone over the Internet | without incurring long distance charges. For | more info, check out the IRIS Phone Home | Page. setupex.exe 7/23/96 The Intel Internet Phone is the world's first | standards-based, audio web phone. It's easy | to use, offers outstanding audio quality, and | was designed to work with either Microsoft | Explorer or Netscape Navigator. For more | info, check the Intel Internet Phone Home | Page. 7/12/96 PGPfone for Win95 by Phil Zimmerman. Secure | voice communication via phone. For more | info, check the PGPfone Home Page. vdop104.exe 7/1/96 Full-color motion video telephony over the | Internet. VDOnet's VDOPhone lets you place a | call to, or receive a call from, any other | Internet user with a VDOPhone and transmit | two-way COLOR video and audio, or audio only, | over modem connections to Internet at speeds | of 14.4kbps and up. For more info, check the | VDOPhone Home Page. tx32b019.exe 6/29/96 TeleVox is an Internet application that lets | you talk to others in real time over the | Internet. Conversations are carried over the | Net, so there are no long distance telephone | charges. For more info, check the Televox | Home Page. 5/22/96 Real time Internet voice communication | application. Supports full duplex operation, | and many compression protocols to balance the | sound quality vs. performance. For more info, | check the Speak Freely Home Page.