Mail Server Tools 9/13/96 SMTP/POP/LIST/MIME Server feature | loaded. Auto-extraction, Scheduled mail | collection, Domain Aliasing, User Aliasing, | MDI, Customized Gateways, Suppression Files, | Mailing Lists, Auto-Responders, Mail | forwarding, Email firewall, File mailback | catalogs + many more features! For more | info, check the MDaemon Server Home Page. 9/4/96 FTGate is a mail gateway/server for single | users up to large organizations. Supports | POP3/SMTP, finger and can be configured to | collect mail from an ISP pop3 account and | deliver it across a lan to individual | users. For more info, check the FTGate Home | Page. es100e.exe 8/26/96 High performance 32-bit Internet/intranet | mail server, supports POP3, SMTP/ESMTP, DNS | and many other Internet standards. Fast | transaction processing with DynMX (tm) kernel | and highly threaded architecture. For more | info, check the OpenSoft ExpressMail Server | Home Page. 8/22/96 SVList is a mailing list server designed for | use with any PC running Windows 95 and having | a SMTP mail account with an Internet service | provider. You can easily set up your own mail | list. For more info, check the SVList Home | Page. techcd.exe 7/28/96 This download offers utilities which make | implementing, maintaining, and supporting a | Microsoft Exchange Server network even | easier. It also contains additional product | related documentation. For more info, check | the Home Page. 7/2/96 This executable takes information from a form | and lets you send detailed mail to a specific | user with the form information in the mail | sent. Users of WebMail can specifically curb | the mail messages to however they see | fit. For more info, check the WebMail Home | Page. 6/6/96 Mailcoach is a SMTP/POP3 server with UUCP | mail transport. This means that it can | receive and deliver mail via LAN, to and from | clients that are using a standard Internet | mail software. For more info, check the | Mailcoach Home Page. 4/20/96 MERCUR is a full featured SMTP/POP3-Server | for Win95 and NT. The Server is running as a | Systemservice and can be installed easily and | configured easily with the assistance of the | Windows NT Controlpanel. For more info, check | the Mercur Home Page. 4/17/96 Cmail mail server for 95 and NT3.51. multiple | Email accounts from one ISP connection. For | more info, check the CMail Home Page. slm9521.exe 4/6/96 SMTP/POP3 mail server for Windows | 95. Includes auto-responding and much | more. For more info, check the Seattle Lab | Home Page. 1/08/96 Win95 30-day Listserv demo from L-Soft.