Chat/IRC Section


IRC (Internet Relay Chat) allows many users on different systems at different locations to converge into one "room" and have a discussion, similar to a conference call or party line. IRC is used both for entertainment and serious discussion purposes.
If you're looking for a program to connect with a friend or group of friends directly for a chat, look in Chat - Direct.

Active Worlds Browser Download Now!

  • Version Number: 1.3
  • Revision Date: October 2, 1997
  • File Name: awb.exe
  • Byte Size: 1,568,688
  • License: Freeware
  • Homepage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: Real-time chat software that can be used from the World Wide Web. Has a 3D type interface where everyone adopts an "avatar" and rather than chat rooms, you point anc click to walk closer to different groups. There are many "worlds" available where you can go to chat with different people.
    4.5 Cows

Internet Tele Cafe Download Now!

  • Version Number: 3.00a
  • Revision Date: April 15, 1997
  • File Name: tc300-32.exe
  • Byte Size: 1,709,286
  • License: Shareware
  • Homepage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: This Chat system has grown to become one of the Largest Chat Systems of it's kind. With over 19,000 Members, you will really enjoy meeting new people from all around the world. This system only becomes better when you use the specially designed software, that will give you the benefit of easy viewing, along with the joys of sounds.
    5 Cows
mIRC Download Now!
  • Version Number: 5.31
  • Revision Date: January 4, 1998
  • File Name: mirc531t.exe
  • Byte Size: 876,544
  • License: Shareware, 30 day evaluation
  • Cost: $20.00
  • Homepage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: One of the most popular IRC clients around. Automates all IRC transfers and connections. Incudes colored text, DCC, XDCC, file servers and much more.
    5 Cows

OrbitIRC Download Now!

  • Version Number: 2.0
  • Revision Date: December 1, 1997
  • File Name: orbitirc200.exe
  • Byte Size: 2,408,392
  • License: Shareware
  • Homepage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: Gives a user easy Point-and-Click control over all aspects of an IRC Chat or DCC File Transfer. OrbitIRC does away with all those hard to remember command line commands! It has a unique interface where there are no windows hiding other windows - everything is in the open for you to monitor your IRC session. It's a fresh look at a great internet pastime - IRC!
    4.5 Cows

PIRCH Download Now!

  • Version Number: 0.92
  • Revision Date: January 15, 1997
  • File Name: pirch32s.exe
  • Byte Size: 1,065,747
  • License: Shareware
  • Homepage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: One of the best IRC software packages out there.
    5 Cows

VIRC 97 Download Now!

  • Version Number: 1.00
  • Revision Date: November 26, 1997
  • File Name:
  • Byte Size: 1,134,470
  • License: Freeware beta
  • Homepage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: VIRC is a new concept in IRC. Soon, this program will be totally integrated with the Win95 Shell and you'll be able to drag files from the Explorer onto a nick to DCC send them the file, and you'll be able to drag IRC servers onto the desktop for rapid connection to IRC. With a very intuitive interface, this is definitely one to check out.
    5 Cows

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